The race was real fun lots of runners enjoying the race. I finished in 46:08 missing a new pr by 10 seconds or so. I felt strong at the end thou, like I still had more miles in me. I finished 12th out of 21 in my age group and 141 out of 266.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Autumn Leaves 5 Mile Run
I believe that this is the last run of the year put on by Northeast running club. NERC is a local club that I belong to. I don't really do the social thing, just run their runs. This would be the third 5 mile race that I ran this year. The 5 mile is a easy and hard run for me. Easy to line up and the start, hard after mile three and then easy at the finish. I always say that wasn't so bad... forgetting the last two miles. This was one of the first races that included trails and lots of rolling field hills. Plus it snowed the day before making to ground snowy and muddy!
The race was real fun lots of runners enjoying the race. I finished in 46:08 missing a new pr by 10 seconds or so. I felt strong at the end thou, like I still had more miles in me. I finished 12th out of 21 in my age group and 141 out of 266.
The race was real fun lots of runners enjoying the race. I finished in 46:08 missing a new pr by 10 seconds or so. I felt strong at the end thou, like I still had more miles in me. I finished 12th out of 21 in my age group and 141 out of 266.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Runners Prayer
The Runner's Prayer
Watch over me today as I run.
This is the day
and this is the time for the race.
Watch over my body.
Keep it free from injury.
Watch over my mind.
May I listen to the signals from within
as I enjoy the scenes from without.
Watch over my spirit.
Watch over my competitors.
Remind us that we all are struggling equally.
Let me win.
Not by coming in ahead of my friends, but by beating myself.
Let it be an inner win.
A battle won over me.
And may I say at the end,
"I have fought a good fight.
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith."
Adapted from The Ultrarunner’s Prayer by Carolyn Erdman & Jay Hodde
Watch over me today as I run.
This is the day
and this is the time for the race.
Watch over my body.
Keep it free from injury.
Watch over my mind.
May I listen to the signals from within
as I enjoy the scenes from without.
Watch over my spirit.
Watch over my competitors.
Remind us that we all are struggling equally.
Let me win.
Not by coming in ahead of my friends, but by beating myself.
Let it be an inner win.
A battle won over me.
And may I say at the end,
"I have fought a good fight.
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith."
Adapted from The Ultrarunner’s Prayer by Carolyn Erdman & Jay Hodde
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I got up.
Yup this morning I woke up at 5:15 and saw a tweet from last night from someone that said. I must wake up early and run. Wake up early and run. Wake up early and run. That gave me the small push to get up. Ran for one hour, about 6 miles.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Feeling "run" down
For the last week I just feel lazy. I don't feel like running, after I do thou I feel great again. I have been running in the evening a lot because I cant do it I the morning. I wake up on time and I know what needs to be done, but I can't get out the door. So I end up running after work. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can get my butt out the door for my one hour run. Then it's rest for friday, little speed work on Saturday and then a 5 mile race on the trails sunday. I need to also run LSD on Sunday so I think I'll split it 5 race, 5 LSD.
I am going to sleep now.
I am going to sleep now.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Part two
I rode a lot in the first month. I even road my first 50 mile ride. Every time out I felt a little stronger and a little faster. Even thou I loved my trek, its a hybrid mountain/road bike and was limited by it. I ended up building a road bike to workout with. Bought parts here and there, mostly off eBay and local bike shops. So now I have a commuter bike and a road bike.
Felt F75 |
I signed up for a 5 mile run long before I had my heel spur problems and decided that I I would still goto it buy maybe just walk it instead of running. That morning I went and picked up my packet and was going to change over to the walking class. Something told me just to try to run and if I couldn't just start walking. So I deciding to man up and just line up at the start. I ran the whole damn thing! Funny thing is that my foot didn't hurt the whole time. I didn't set any PRs that day, but it gave me the confidence to start running again. The next few weeks I really didn't run a lot, just ride my bike.
My nephews run cross-country for their high school and they were having a fund raiser 5k, so I decided to run it. I didn't want to push it at all so I ran it for fun. My nephew Drew who was recovering from a knee injury ran it with me. It was funny, he asked me how fast I was going to run... I said well... 8:30-9:00 minute miles... He smiled and said ya... I just want to take it easy too.
I finally got my old man inserts for my shoes (orthotics) and decided I needed to get back on some sort of running program. I wanted to run fall half marathon and I was hoping I could make it a trail half. I found one late in November, so I called looked my first training program web site "Hal Higdon" I found the novice half marathon program and worked it into my schedule. The first real time out running, I ran pretty fast for not running in awhile. It was a short 3 mile run, I paid for running to fast the next couple times out... So I started to slow down and tried to get back in the grove. It was almost like starting over again. Well not really that bad I could run 3 miles no problem, but I was winded at the end.
A few more weeks went by and I signed up for a 5 mile run that I really wanted to run last year, but I wasn't ready for it. I was also going to meet a guy that I knew from long ago that was also into running. Facebook meet up thing... When we met we were catching up with each other, telling each other about how we got into running and what we ran. I found out Mike had ran the Cleveland half marathon that year and was working towards running his first marathon soon. I told him I was started to train for a half in November and then probably run the cleveland marathon again. Anyways we lined up at the start and gave each other the good lucks... I really didn't know how I was going to run this race, not even a clue. When we started I didn't feel like I was running fast. The last few 5k's I have PRed at 27:01. The first mile I was right behind Mike when we came up to the mile marker I heard 8:16. Holy cow didn't know that was coming. Second mile I heard 17: something... The third I started to fall back a little but was still keeping a good race pace for me. I ended up finishing it in 45:58:33. That was about 10 minutes faster than my last 5 mile race. I know that its no world record 5 mile race time but for me it was what i needed to start pushing just a little harder when I was out their. I continued to follow my train schedule and signed up for a few more 5k's to help me with my speed work.
Me in the blue at the water stop |
The next race that I ran last year and wanted to run it again, Footprints for Fatima 5K. I really want to get a new PR on this race to show what a year running can do. Needless to say I PRed with a time of 26:38. I was now in the 26's and very happy. The next week was a 5k that was only about 2 miles from were I live and most of the course was my normal running route. Hannah's Home 5k I set a new PR of 26:20! I am not sure what was going on with all the new PR's, Maybe trying to make up for lost time or something.
That was my last 5k for now.
I should rewind back to after the last 5 mile race. I knew that I was training for the half marathon then and was looking toward the next race after that one. I wasn't sure if I was just going to make it the cleveland marathon or maybe something in between. I was looking for the next big run, something to push me a little bit more. Maybe a trail marathon, or even a trail 50K. After looking around I came across a trail run in January that was a half, full marathon and 50K. It was a everyone pays the same and you run what you want. Even can change the distance on race day. Basically a fun run for charity. I think I was drinking that night when I started to cross check my training schedule with my old marathon schedule to see if it was even doable. It was limited to 200 runners and the registration started in a week or so. Well I though about it hard and long, well maybe for about 2 minutes before I told myself "DO IT" So the monday registration opened I signed up for it. Run for Regis 50K trail ultra marathon on January 16th 2011. I used the share button when signing up for the run so it posted to my twitter and Facebook. A day later Mike replied with, are you really going to run a 50k? "Yup all signed up" "You in?" Thinking that I was the only crazy person that would like to run 50k in the freezing cold, in the woods, Mike signed up a couple days later. "Nice" someone as crazy as me!
We both use runkeeper now, Its a iphone app that uses gps to track out runs and then posts it to our accounts on runkeeper and also to Facebook. Its kind of cool to see the progress he is making and vise versa.
Yesterday was my first long distance race sense my last half marathon in June. The Bridge 2 Bridge 11 mile run. Mike also ran the race. To keep the review short, Its was cold! and I ran 11 miles... I shouldn't just say that, It was a really good race. Even thou my post on runkeeper was "CRAP". I tanked at mile 9ish. Its ok thou because I ran the first 5.5 mile right behind Mike (he's about 1minute faster per mile than me) It was just really hard to keep the pace after mile 9, my times got slower each mile, but I only dropped to 11:17 for mile 10. I finished in 1:50:30, thats a 10:01 pace. I am really proud of that time. It gives me an idea of a goal time for my half marathon coming up. I am hoping that I can run 10:00 miles or less across the board, really want a new pr on my half marathon. 2:00:00 or less would be great but I think I am going for 2:10:00.
If not oh well. I am just glad to be running again.
![]() |
Crossing the finish at B2B 11 mile |
The adventure continues
After my first marathon in May my running sort of went down hill. I didn't stop running, I just didn't feel like running anymore. I took off about a week from running. My first time back running I felt sick, I really didn't want to run. Three weeks after my marathon I ran a local half marathon that I signed up for a few months before. I ran it with a friend, it was her first half marathon. Towards the end of the race my left foot was starting to bother me, it was a slight pain every time my foot touched the ground. I finished the half and was feeling good about the run even thou I was limping away. I continued to run off and on even thou my foot was really bothering me. I didn't want to give in and rest, I didn't want to stop running again, I didn't feel right when I didn't run. I didn't really have a running schedule, I just ran a few mile here and there and ran a couple of local 5k's.
My foot was in pain 90% of the time when I ran, I didn't want to give up. It was after a 5k race that I almost didn't finish when I said enough was enough. I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I went to my doctor, after some fast x-rays she found a small heel spur on the bottom of my foot. Her anwswer was to stop running and find a new way to exercise. Lol ya that's what I'll do... A few weeks later I went to see a new doctor, a foot doctor, one that runs doctor. He also owns a running store. The minute I walked I to his office I knew that I would like his answers to my problems. He knew what I was going threw, the pain and the emotions. After some tests and some new x-rays I did have heel spurs, two of them. One on the bottom and one on the back. He explained what they were and how I got them. His answer to the problem was a lot better then the first one I got. Rest,ice and stretching. Oh and don't stop running... I just have to cut back a lot! He also fitted me for orthotics. They would be ready in about three weeks from then.
During this rest period I found a new way to keep exercising, cycling! I started to ride my trek to work. It's a 13.6 mile trip one way. So would get to work out in the morning and at night. It wasn't the same as running but at least I was moving.
Time for tricker treat... Will post more later :)
My foot was in pain 90% of the time when I ran, I didn't want to give up. It was after a 5k race that I almost didn't finish when I said enough was enough. I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I went to my doctor, after some fast x-rays she found a small heel spur on the bottom of my foot. Her anwswer was to stop running and find a new way to exercise. Lol ya that's what I'll do... A few weeks later I went to see a new doctor, a foot doctor, one that runs doctor. He also owns a running store. The minute I walked I to his office I knew that I would like his answers to my problems. He knew what I was going threw, the pain and the emotions. After some tests and some new x-rays I did have heel spurs, two of them. One on the bottom and one on the back. He explained what they were and how I got them. His answer to the problem was a lot better then the first one I got. Rest,ice and stretching. Oh and don't stop running... I just have to cut back a lot! He also fitted me for orthotics. They would be ready in about three weeks from then.
During this rest period I found a new way to keep exercising, cycling! I started to ride my trek to work. It's a 13.6 mile trip one way. So would get to work out in the morning and at night. It wasn't the same as running but at least I was moving.
Time for tricker treat... Will post more later :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
My First Marathon
Yesterday I woke up around 4:00am as a normal Joe runner, by the afternoon I became a marathon runner!
I ran the full 26.2 distance in 4:55:23. I could not be happier about finishing the race and my time! I woke up around 4:00am and ate a small breakfast of a plain toasted bagel with peanut butter and a muscle milk shake. I didn’t want to eat a lot before the race, I usually don’t eat before my runs but I didn’t want to run out for fuel during my run. I left home around 5:20 to make sure that I had enough time to find parking and not feel rush lining up in the coral. When I found my parking spot it was funny, all you can see was a sea of runners heading for the starting line. The atmosphere was very exciting. When I found the starting line everyone was hanging around talking about running, taking pictures and some were even dancing around. At 6:45 the pace group leaders started lining up at the starting line. I found my group that I was going to run with, the 4:45 pace group. Steve was our leader and that’s all I know about him, there was a sign on the back of his shirt 4:45 Steve. My running buddy Zorka found me in line and gave me so final good lucks and you got this cheer. Everyone around me had the same look on their faces, the look of excitement and fright. Everyone got really quite and the National anthem started. The race was about to begin! Being toward the middle of the pack you couldn’t really hear what was going on up front. Then there was a loud horn sound and every one took one step forward and stopped. It’s kind of weird to hear the starting horn then have to slowly walk up to the starting line to begin running. Almost 6 minutes later I crossed the starting line. I wanted to bolt forward and start running like crazy. In all my reading and training I was always told not to start out to fast. I was about ten feet behind the pace leader and felt that if I just stayed behind him I wouldn’t have to worry about going too fast. The next three miles were so surreal. I was trying my hardest to soak it all in, I am running a Marathon! Everyone around you cheering all the runners, the sound of cow bells everywhere. I got to run in the streets of downtown Cleveland not having to worry about anything except all the sweatshirts, hats and other clothes that the runners were throwing everywhere. The first three miles I ran in 10:37, 10:54 and 10:44. It didn’t even feel like I ran three miles already. I wanted to make sure that I was well hydrated and fueled for the full distance so I made it a point to drink at every water station and have a GU every three miles. I was wearing a 4:45 pace bracelet to help remind me when to have a GU and keep me on pace. I started to feel like I had to relieve myself soon, however I didn’t want to lose my pace group so I just thought I would hold it for while.
The next three mile I ran a 10:46, 10:49 and 10:55. I felt that I could run ahead a little bit from the pace group, hoping I could get that bathroom break in and not lose any time. I think it was around mile 6-7 my wonderful support group showed up. My wife Lyn, my three children Taylor, Jacob , Makenna, My sister Barb, her Husband Doug and her four children Nick, Matt, Andrew and Rebecka. They were all wear very cool Blue tie dyed shirts that said RUN! BRIAN! RUN! 26.2. That was the coolest thing to see, it helped me keep pushing! I got to see them again around mile 8-9. I knew that one of the hardest parts for the race for me was coming up and I was really good to see them one last time before the half way point. Miles 7 -11 I ran in 10:33, 10:49, 10:34, 10:23 and 11:06. Miles 10.5 to 12ish were a slow long uphill over a bridge back into the city. It felt like it would never end. Final over the top we start to flatten out. I ran the next to mile at 10:43 and 10:26. At mile 13 the half marathon runners split off and ran to their finish line. I felt joy and sorrow, joy because I was half way do and sorrow because I was only half done. Right after the 13.5 mile mark I final got to go to the bathroom. When I was done I noticed that the pace group was right in front of me so that worked out good.
Miles 13-17 I think was pretty hard, there really wasn’t that many people out there cheering and I always feel a little down around here on my long runs. I had to dig deep to keep going, I knew though up a head I would see my family again. I think that around mile 17 I got to see them again which was really good, I needed a push again. Miles 14-19 I ran at 10:27, 11:29, 11:00, 11:24, 12:14 and 10:54.
I ran mile 20 in 11:37. It felt like a life time went by on that mile. Damn that was long. Coming up to mile 21 I got to see my support group one last time before the finish. It was a small uphill to I decided to walk a little and talk with them. When I got to the top I remember my sister yelling great job your at mile 21. I was dumb founded, this is the farthest I have ever run so far and every step forward from now on is a new experience. As I was turning the corner to run the last 5.2 miles I started to feel very proud of me on how far I have come in my running journey. Everyone says the marathon begins at mile 20, and they are right! The emotions that I felt were almost overwhelming, you could see it in other runners that they felt the same way. Along the last mile a lot of people looked to others for motivation to keep going. I talked to a few runners and we each new that it was almost over. Our little pack would trade places back and forth telling each other it’s only a 5k away or almost there keep pushing! Miles 21-25 I ran in 11:17, 12:11, 11:48, 13:20 and 11:36.
The last mile I realized that I am going to make it, I am going to run the full 26.2 mile today. On the last turn you could see flashing lights around ½ mile away. This is where I wanted to be, this is where I am going to be. I heard a runner yell out three more stop light and we are there! Then I saw it, the finish line! The sounds of cheering from the crowds of people were getting louder and louder. People were reaching out to high five you and to congratulate you. This is where I almost broke down and started to cry, my breathing became very troubled and I had to reach in really deep to keep it together. Then I started to run over the chip timers, end is here. I did it. Passing over the finish line I started to walk forward and a nice older women was there standing with a finisher’s metal, as she started to put it on me I could barely get out thank you. Walking forward out of the finisher area I almost felt kind of lost, I didn’t know what was going on. Someone gave me water and said congratulations. Then I heard “DAD” I looked around and saw my support group walking up from the finish line. There really are no words to explain the feelings I had running my first marathon, all I can say is “thank you”
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Two More Days
This afternoon I and daughter Makenna went to the Rite Aid health and fitness expo to pick up my race bib and goody bag. When driving down to the expo I started to get some small pre-race jitters. I know that I didn't forget how to run or anything I just hope that I'll be able to run the full 26.2 miles. I hope that all the training was enough. My longest run to date is 20 miles and there is 6.2 mile more. For the last couple of weeks I have been having some adductor muscle discomfort when running. I have been taking it easy when running and doing some stretching. Last week I went to see my doctor to make sure if I keep on running I won't really hurt myself. She said that I just strained the muscle and rest and ice would be the best. I gave her the look of aahhhh no I am running this. So she gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory and set me up with physical therapy. She said even thou your race is a week away maybe they could help work out the strained muscles. I have been running still and the pain us just a small dull now. Yesterday I went to see the therapist for an evaluation. I told him my story and he understood what I was going through. He said that he can't work miracles but he'll try to loosen up the muscles. After about 20 minutes of the weirdest positions a man ever put me in I was all stretched out. Then he gave me a large ice bag and left me be for awhile. When he returned he brought me a stretching routine and set me up for 6 more appointments. He said he didn't want to work the muscles to deep because it would be sore and I would be yelling at him later. I do feel better today. I have been doing the stretching and resting so I hope I am good to go.
I don't plan on winning, or beating any records. I do want to finish. I am planning on running with the 4:45 pace group, if I feeling good towards the end I'll speed up or even if I am killing myself I'll slow down. Even if I run the first half and have to walk the rest I don't mind. I just want to start at the starting line and finish at the finish line. The course is open for 8 hours so I have a lot of time. I just have to remember that my 26.2 miles is celebration of all the hard work that I have done over the last year.
I am going to break the 26.2 miles into five 5.25 mile groups in my head. I know that I can easily run 5 miles. I have done it hundreds of times, what’s five more?
Anyways I will finish my first marathon tomorrow and hopefully post some pictures for ya.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Workout updates from my phone.
The big twenty mile run is done and I am in tapper mode! I still don't
believe that I ran that far. To recap the run, I started the run about
7:30 am and planned a out and back route. This time out I brought
along some fuel for the run. A couple of gu's, clif power bar and
filled up my camel pack with gatorade. The first five miles were
really good, felt fast and easy. The next five to the half was a
little harder, I think that it was mainly do to me over heating from
the windbreaker I was wearing. When I hit the ten mile mark I shredded
the jacket and fueled up on the clif bar. I was totally drenched in
sweat from wearing the jacket, but after taking it off I felt really
cold. Miles 10-15 kind of felt numb, like they didn't even happen. I
always dread mile 16 not sure why and of course when mile 16 hit so
did the aches. I started to add short walks in about every 1/2 mile.
When I hit mile 18 I started to feel alot better so I ran 19. The last
mile was really hard but I felt really good about it. When I hit 20
I new that the marathon is totally do-able. I went straight into the
ice bath when I got home. I think I soaked for about 20 minutes.
That evening I felt real good muscle wise, some thing stomach wise
didn't feel right. I continued to feel that way for the next couple of
days. From what I read and gathered I was dehydrated. Even thou I
drank almost 60 oz of fluids during my run I stopped hydrating after
my run. They say you should continue hydrating even after your runs.
Not sure if that was the cause but all I know is that I felt like crap
for the next few days.
Monday was across training day so I road my bike for about 1/2 hour.
Tuesday was a rest day. Starting my tapper now my recovery run was
suppost to be 5 miles. Still feeling alittle off I ended up only
running 4 miles. Thursdays mid-week long run of 8 miles did not go so
well. I headed out in the morning and when I hit about 2 miles I
started to have pain in my upper left leg toward my inner thigh. I
started to walk a little and it went away. When I stared up running
again the pain came right back. I did this for about 1/2 mile before I
desided to turn back and walk home. It started to hurt even more, even
walking. So I had to call home and Ask my wife to pick me up. When I
got home and sat down the pain started to go away. This is the first
time ever that I didn't finish a run. It was really hard to do that. I
felt that I needed to stop and find out what was going on. The rest of
the day it didn't really hurt, but it was sore. I also desided not to
run on Friday. Friday morning I did get to finally break in that new
bike. I road about 20 miles and it was awesome. That afternoon I
bought a foam roller to help stretch out those leg muscles. Saturday
was a rest day.
Sundays long run was a 12 mile run. I didn't run at all since my
failed mid-week long run. I met my running buddy to run the half
marathon course that were running in June. This course is not so easy.
The first 5 miles is almost all downhill. Miles 5-7 is rolling hills.
Around mile 8-9 there is a huge uphill!!! 9-13 is pretty flat. It's
the hills that will kill ya on this course. I ran the first few miles
feeling that the pain would show up right away. Thankfully it never
did. When we got to the hills I was givin the go if you can and don't
worry about me call. I really don't like leaving someone behind when
running but I had to prove something to myself. I wanted to make sure
that I wasn't broken. So I pulled ahead a little and didn't stop until
I was at top of all the hills. I did start to feel a little ache but
it never really hit like it did on the mid-week run. I did start to
walk a little after mile 10 and kicked it in to finish up the 12
miles. Over all it was a good run not the fastest run I have ran but
mentally if was the best.
believe that I ran that far. To recap the run, I started the run about
7:30 am and planned a out and back route. This time out I brought
along some fuel for the run. A couple of gu's, clif power bar and
filled up my camel pack with gatorade. The first five miles were
really good, felt fast and easy. The next five to the half was a
little harder, I think that it was mainly do to me over heating from
the windbreaker I was wearing. When I hit the ten mile mark I shredded
the jacket and fueled up on the clif bar. I was totally drenched in
sweat from wearing the jacket, but after taking it off I felt really
cold. Miles 10-15 kind of felt numb, like they didn't even happen. I
always dread mile 16 not sure why and of course when mile 16 hit so
did the aches. I started to add short walks in about every 1/2 mile.
When I hit mile 18 I started to feel alot better so I ran 19. The last
mile was really hard but I felt really good about it. When I hit 20
I new that the marathon is totally do-able. I went straight into the
ice bath when I got home. I think I soaked for about 20 minutes.
That evening I felt real good muscle wise, some thing stomach wise
didn't feel right. I continued to feel that way for the next couple of
days. From what I read and gathered I was dehydrated. Even thou I
drank almost 60 oz of fluids during my run I stopped hydrating after
my run. They say you should continue hydrating even after your runs.
Not sure if that was the cause but all I know is that I felt like crap
for the next few days.
Monday was across training day so I road my bike for about 1/2 hour.
Tuesday was a rest day. Starting my tapper now my recovery run was
suppost to be 5 miles. Still feeling alittle off I ended up only
running 4 miles. Thursdays mid-week long run of 8 miles did not go so
well. I headed out in the morning and when I hit about 2 miles I
started to have pain in my upper left leg toward my inner thigh. I
started to walk a little and it went away. When I stared up running
again the pain came right back. I did this for about 1/2 mile before I
desided to turn back and walk home. It started to hurt even more, even
walking. So I had to call home and Ask my wife to pick me up. When I
got home and sat down the pain started to go away. This is the first
time ever that I didn't finish a run. It was really hard to do that. I
felt that I needed to stop and find out what was going on. The rest of
the day it didn't really hurt, but it was sore. I also desided not to
run on Friday. Friday morning I did get to finally break in that new
bike. I road about 20 miles and it was awesome. That afternoon I
bought a foam roller to help stretch out those leg muscles. Saturday
was a rest day.
Sundays long run was a 12 mile run. I didn't run at all since my
failed mid-week long run. I met my running buddy to run the half
marathon course that were running in June. This course is not so easy.
The first 5 miles is almost all downhill. Miles 5-7 is rolling hills.
Around mile 8-9 there is a huge uphill!!! 9-13 is pretty flat. It's
the hills that will kill ya on this course. I ran the first few miles
feeling that the pain would show up right away. Thankfully it never
did. When we got to the hills I was givin the go if you can and don't
worry about me call. I really don't like leaving someone behind when
running but I had to prove something to myself. I wanted to make sure
that I wasn't broken. So I pulled ahead a little and didn't stop until
I was at top of all the hills. I did start to feel a little ache but
it never really hit like it did on the mid-week run. I did start to
walk a little after mile 10 and kicked it in to finish up the 12
miles. Over all it was a good run not the fastest run I have ran but
mentally if was the best.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Workout update
Been so long since my last update, Fridays run was very fast for me 5.64 mile in 55:48 @ 9:53 pace. I am finding out that I am running my short runs at a lot faster pace than I usually do. I think that the long runs are paying off. Plus I have been trying to run on hillier routes. Sunday s 18 mile run I ran in 3:26:53 @ an 11:27 pace. It was the longest run to date. I had to walk a few in the last miles but I got it done! This week was a recovery week, Wednesday I ran 5 miles in 53:05 @ 10:29 pace, Thursday I ran 9 miles in 1:40:14 @ an 11:07 pace, and Fridays run I ran 6 miles in 59:11 @ a 9:51 pace! (New record for the 6 miles) Today’s run was going to be a 14 mile run but I ran about 13 miles in 2:20:45 @ an 11:26 pace. The course I ran today was a half marathon course that I am going to run in June. I had a new running partner today also, a friend of a friend that I went to school with. She is new to running and training for her first half marathon. The thing I like about running is that there’s a lot of time to chat when you’re out there and her story of why she runs is very inspirational. I believe that she has lost over 100 lbs. in her journey so far. That is so crazy!!! Like I said very inspirational. Plus we ran some huge hills today and she did Awesome on them. (Sorry about that) I look forward to running with her again.
Next week’s runs will bring me to the peek in my training 5,10,5 and the big 20 miles. I am searching for someone to maybe run at least half of the 20 miles with me. If not that’s ok I have been running solo for a long time. If it’s anything like the 18 mile run it’s gonna be a very hard day, but I know I can do it! There’s about four weeks left in my training and after this week is all taper!
Oh ya I bought a bike! For cross training on Mondays it’s a Trek FX7.5 I bought it used from a friend that I work with. So far I love it. I just hope it doesn’t lead me to another sport that I wish I had more time for.
Next week’s runs will bring me to the peek in my training 5,10,5 and the big 20 miles. I am searching for someone to maybe run at least half of the 20 miles with me. If not that’s ok I have been running solo for a long time. If it’s anything like the 18 mile run it’s gonna be a very hard day, but I know I can do it! There’s about four weeks left in my training and after this week is all taper!
Oh ya I bought a bike! For cross training on Mondays it’s a Trek FX7.5 I bought it used from a friend that I work with. So far I love it. I just hope it doesn’t lead me to another sport that I wish I had more time for.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Workout update
The past few runs have been really good, the weather has taken a turn and now is warmer. I like the warmer weather because I don’t feel all weighted down with clothes, a shirt some shorts and that’s it. I have found out a couple of problems with my gear thou. My water belt when loaded up with the full four bottles is a little heavy and slips down to low when running. At least until I drink the two rear ones, this is totally a pain in the ass. Every 20 seconds I am pulling it back up. I need to find another way to carry my iphone with me, The arm band makes my arm go numb. I would use my smaller and lighter iPod shuffle but on my longer runs I like to have my phone with me just in case something goes wrong or I get lost and need some gps to help me home. Other than those two things everything else is good to go.
Mondays cross training was just a plain old walk, Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 4 miles in 43:15, Thursday I ran 8 miles in 1:29:26 @ 11:10 pace, Friday I ran 5 miles in 55:43 @ 10:55 pace, Saturday rest and Sundays long of 12 miles I ran in 2:10:36 @ a pace of 10:52. This Monday for my cross training I road my bike for 45 minutes, Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 4 miles in 42:29 @ a pace of 10:35, Thursday I ran 9 miles in 1:42:17 @ a pace of 11:20. The midweek long runs are getting really long, I have to get up a half of an hour earlier to make sure I get finish to leave for work by 8:00. I think thou the mid week longs top out at 10 miles. A tomorrow is a 5 mile run and Sunday is a huge 18 mile run. I hope that I’ll make the full run. I think that it’s going to be a big mental challenge for me and getting pass this one will boost my confidence a lot. Also after this Sunday it’s only 5 weeks until the Marathon. Next week’s runs are 5,9,5,14 miles and then the longest millage of the training 5,10,5,20. Then I taper, its crazy to think that this 30 week training program is almost coming to an end and how much I have ran in that time.
Well wish me luck on the 18 I feel that I might need it.
Mondays cross training was just a plain old walk, Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 4 miles in 43:15, Thursday I ran 8 miles in 1:29:26 @ 11:10 pace, Friday I ran 5 miles in 55:43 @ 10:55 pace, Saturday rest and Sundays long of 12 miles I ran in 2:10:36 @ a pace of 10:52. This Monday for my cross training I road my bike for 45 minutes, Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 4 miles in 42:29 @ a pace of 10:35, Thursday I ran 9 miles in 1:42:17 @ a pace of 11:20. The midweek long runs are getting really long, I have to get up a half of an hour earlier to make sure I get finish to leave for work by 8:00. I think thou the mid week longs top out at 10 miles. A tomorrow is a 5 mile run and Sunday is a huge 18 mile run. I hope that I’ll make the full run. I think that it’s going to be a big mental challenge for me and getting pass this one will boost my confidence a lot. Also after this Sunday it’s only 5 weeks until the Marathon. Next week’s runs are 5,9,5,14 miles and then the longest millage of the training 5,10,5,20. Then I taper, its crazy to think that this 30 week training program is almost coming to an end and how much I have ran in that time.
Well wish me luck on the 18 I feel that I might need it.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Race Report and Workout Updates
To finish the week Friday I ran 4 miles in 37:47 @ 9:25 pace. That is just plain crazy for me to run that fast for 4 miles, I was so happy about that run. I think I even posted something on facebook that next thing you know I’ll be running in the 8’s. Saturday is a rest day, so I packed up my running bag with some warmer clothes for Sunday’s race and long run just in case the weather decided to get nasty. Sunday’s race was at 8:30am and was about a half an hour away so I got up around 6:00 and got the rest of my stuff ready. I am also trying out a new sports drink on my long run home its call accelerade, to help out with recovery, something about 4:1 ratio with protein and such. The 5K race is also a 5K walk so the turnout was crazy at least 200 or more runners/walkers plus their families. The course was an out and back, the first 1.5 miles was mainly uphill nothing to crazy but enough were you’ll feel it and of course the way back was downhill. I usually line up at the back of the pack so I don’t get in the way of any of the faster runners. This time I lined up about ½ pack, maybe even a little more towards the front. The start of the race always feels confusing, everyone starts running around each other trying to get in there pace without running over or getting ran over by other runners. Around a ¼ mile everyone is settled in and you have some running room. A very strange thing happened in the first mile, I was passing more than getting passed. The first mile I ran in 8:25! That is just crazy for me. It really didn’t feel like I was pushing it too hard, although I started to feel the uphill a tad. Coming up to the turnaround I started to see runner’s running back towards the finish. At the turn around I noticed that there was lot of people still running behind me, I thought maybe that it was mainly the walkers thou. I ran the second mile in 8:56. I heard my Garmin beep that it was the second mile and knew that I was on the last mile so I wanted to push it just a bit more. One the last turn I could see the finish line in the distance when I got closer I was amazed that the race timer said 26: something, that’s when I started to run like hell trying to get that last few seconds. I ran mile three in 8:34. When I ran through the gates and hit stop on my Garmin and looked down I almost thought I was dreaming, 27:03! Now that’s a new PR. My official time is 27:01 and placed 85 out of 201. I could not be more proud, to think less than a year ago I couldn’t run more than 500 feet without gasping for air. My very first 5K race I think I ran it in 34:00ish, my second 5K was around 31:50 and the third one was 29:30 but that course was short 2.94 miles. 27:01 that is so cool, it makes me feel that I really am improving and just maybe someday I want be a back of the pack runner, but a middle of the pack runner.
After the race awards and a small rest I changed into some warmer gear and loaded up my belt and hit the road for the run home. Mapmyrun said that it would be a 12.67 mile run home, so that would put my around 16 miles for the day. The beginning of the run was a bit hilly up and down, I wanted to take this run really slow so I didn’t get burned out. Around mile 6 I started to get some pain in my left heel. I hate to say it but I have been getting that heel pain a lot lately, mainly the next day thou. So I walked for about 2 minutes to give it a rest and refuel. Mile 8 it started to drizzle, I hate cold rain! Trying not to think about the heel pain I pushed on. The run home ended up being 11.66 miles, I was 1.5 miles short for the 16 mile total, but I didn’t want to push it anymore. When I got home I drank my new R4 recovery drink and soaked from my waist down in the ice bath for about 10 minutes. The run home was in 2:19:23 @ an 11:57 pace. That’s not too bad given all the walking breaks I took and after running my best 5K.
Today, Monday my legs really don’t hurt that much but my heel still is giving me some trouble. Really hurts if I rest it too much. I bought a brace to wear when I go to bed that’s supposed to help with the pain. I know what it is but I don’t want to say it. Maybe that way it will go away. Only time will tell, at least this week is a recovery week. Running 4, 8, 5 and 12 miles.
After the race awards and a small rest I changed into some warmer gear and loaded up my belt and hit the road for the run home. Mapmyrun said that it would be a 12.67 mile run home, so that would put my around 16 miles for the day. The beginning of the run was a bit hilly up and down, I wanted to take this run really slow so I didn’t get burned out. Around mile 6 I started to get some pain in my left heel. I hate to say it but I have been getting that heel pain a lot lately, mainly the next day thou. So I walked for about 2 minutes to give it a rest and refuel. Mile 8 it started to drizzle, I hate cold rain! Trying not to think about the heel pain I pushed on. The run home ended up being 11.66 miles, I was 1.5 miles short for the 16 mile total, but I didn’t want to push it anymore. When I got home I drank my new R4 recovery drink and soaked from my waist down in the ice bath for about 10 minutes. The run home was in 2:19:23 @ an 11:57 pace. That’s not too bad given all the walking breaks I took and after running my best 5K.
Today, Monday my legs really don’t hurt that much but my heel still is giving me some trouble. Really hurts if I rest it too much. I bought a brace to wear when I go to bed that’s supposed to help with the pain. I know what it is but I don’t want to say it. Maybe that way it will go away. Only time will tell, at least this week is a recovery week. Running 4, 8, 5 and 12 miles.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Week in Review and Workout Updates
Almost forgot to update my blog for the three readers this week! Let’s get last week’s run out of the way. Monday cross train day, well nothing there yet. I do think that I am just going to plan a bike loop and on Mondays just go for a bike ride. I figure its a lot cheaper than joining a fitness club. Tuesday was a rest day. Wednesday was the last of the 3 mile runs 30:34 @ a 10:11 pace. Thursday was a 7 mile run 1:19:05 @ 11:17 pace. Thursday was a 4 mile run 42:39 @ 10:40 pace. I think that 4 miles is my new favorite distance for a run. Really feels like a challenge to see if I can run it under 10 minute miles. Saturday was a rest day. Sundays long was 15 miles, my newest distance P.R.. I ran it in 2:45:44 @ a 11:02 pace. My favorite part of the Sunday long runs is mapping it out. I use to get a general idea of the distance, sometimes I’ll even drive it with my car to see what its like and to double check the mileage. So far it has been almost perfect. 15 miles is a long way, when I planned the route I tried to make it like a figure eight loop that way if I didn’t think I could do it or something went wrong I could have a short cut home. Well nothing is to short when you’re running 15 miles so maybe a faster route home. I loaded up my water belt with 4 10oz bottles of Gatorade and a four gel packs. I try to pace myself with the fluids so they’ll last the whole trip, but that never works out very well. At about mile 7-8 I planned my run to go by my sister’s house just in case I had to make a stop for fluid remove. The run went really well started out a little to fast but got into the grove around mile 5. I felt very good around mile 8 so I didn’t have to make that stop. Wait, ok my legs were feeling somewhat heavy around mile 8 but nothing to crazy. Mile 9 I stopped for a couple of minutes for a stretching break, when I stop I usually pause my Garmin gps watch so it doesn’t record my standing there. After stretching I headed on, about mile 11 I noticed that I forgot to restart my Garmin. Damn I hate when I do that!!! So not sure how far I just ran or my real time I just kept going on the planned course hoping that it was real close to the correct mileage. I know the distances to my house from a lot of places around my neighborhood so I was pretty sure that It was correct. At mile 13ish I ran out of fluids so I had to stop off and grab a bottle or PowerAde at the store. I always love the looks the people give you at the counter when you walk in and buy one drink and run off, they always give you that look of your crazy… The last mile was really hard to keep running, I thought a lot to myself that this is only 15 miles and I’ll never be able to run 26.2 miles. Then I try to remind myself that a year ago I couldn’t run 500 feet and now today I am running 15 miles. That usually works if not I think of all the food I am going to eat when I am done. I ran 15 miles in 2:45:44 @ an 11:02 pace. (Took the total time I was out and figured the average pace then added two miles of time to the Garmin total) That brings the week total to 29 miles.
This week’s runs are going very good so far. Wednesday I ran 4 miles 41:51 @ 10:27 pace and Thursdays run was 8 miles 1:18:54 @ an 11:05 pace. In a couple of hours I am going out for Fridays run, I am hoping that it warms up a little before I go out. Saturday is rest and Sunday is the Strides of March 5k race. This leads to a very interesting subject about this Sunday’s long run. I am scheduled to run 16 miles this Sunday and the 5k is 3.1 miles to I would have to run 13 more miles after the race to keep on my training program. So I mapped it out on and the race is about 12.7 mile away from my house. So yup that’s right, I am going to drive there in the morning and run my 5k race then load up my gear and run home. I really do mean run home, this will give me my 16 mile total for the day. Then later I’ll have my wife drive me back to get my car. I know that it would make more since if she dropped me off in the morning at the race, but then she would have to wake up early on a Sunday and I don’t think that will happen. As always I hope to get some pictures of the race to post and I’ll try to have a update posted on Sunday after the race.
This week’s runs are going very good so far. Wednesday I ran 4 miles 41:51 @ 10:27 pace and Thursdays run was 8 miles 1:18:54 @ an 11:05 pace. In a couple of hours I am going out for Fridays run, I am hoping that it warms up a little before I go out. Saturday is rest and Sunday is the Strides of March 5k race. This leads to a very interesting subject about this Sunday’s long run. I am scheduled to run 16 miles this Sunday and the 5k is 3.1 miles to I would have to run 13 more miles after the race to keep on my training program. So I mapped it out on and the race is about 12.7 mile away from my house. So yup that’s right, I am going to drive there in the morning and run my 5k race then load up my gear and run home. I really do mean run home, this will give me my 16 mile total for the day. Then later I’ll have my wife drive me back to get my car. I know that it would make more since if she dropped me off in the morning at the race, but then she would have to wake up early on a Sunday and I don’t think that will happen. As always I hope to get some pictures of the race to post and I’ll try to have a update posted on Sunday after the race.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Workout Update
Not a lot of updates this week. I am back on full training mode this week after last week’s flu spell. I do have to find out if I am going to join Fitworks for the spinning class or maybe figure out some type of cross training that I can do from home. I know one thing that I am going to have to start doing some core exercises. After running anything of long distance I can feel my lower back give me a little hello.
Week’s training runs were really nice because the weather warmed up little bit, so that meant I could strip down on the cold weather gear. Just feels a lot better running in shorts. Monday was the day after my ½ marathon so I used it as a rest day. Tuesday is a scheduled rest day. Wednesday I ran 3 miles @ 9:56 pace, which is weird because usually I run slower on the first run of the week. Thursday was a 7 mile run @ 11:23 pace. It feels good going to work knowing that I all ready ran 7 miler. Friday moved up to a 4 mile run that I did @ a 9:56 pace. Saturday is a rest day. Sundays 10 mile run I did @ a 11:13 average. The last two mile of the run felt really draining, and my feet really hurt for some reason. I pushed though it and when I got home had a nice long ice bath to help clear out my legs. I really dig those ice baths, I only soak for about 10-15 minutes (from the legs down) and my legs feel about 60% less of the after run aches and pains. Then I pigged out on some Boca burgers and veggies. I know not much of a pig out to some but for me it was a feast.
I signed up for a new race on March 28th, it’s the 13th Annual Strides of March 5K run and walk. All proceeds from this race will benefit children and adults with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. There are a couple of good reasons for me to run this race, One my brother has down syndrome and I have a lot of good memories when I was younger of him attending lots of school, community programs and sports that I know he enjoyed. If I can help give a little funding to them so future people can also enjoy the things that he had, Plus one! March 28th is also the date that I went to the emergency room because I was having chest pains all week and couldn’t tuff it out any more and was then checked into the hospital because I had a heart attack. Yes I said heart attack at 37 years old. I had one small blockage in some rear lower artery and another that was about 95% blocked. I had arthroscopic surgery and had a stent implant. My cholesterol level was over 600!!! I was diagnosed with CAD Coronary artery disease. I would say it was the scariest event in my life so far. So scary that it was life changing. I felt that I had to make a change to better me and hopefully my change would cause a change reaction with in my family to better them. My change started with my diet, when I was released from the hospital every doctor and nurse pounded into my head that my diet had to change. The way that I was eating and lack of exercise was… well killing me. When I left the hospital I was 5’8” and weighed 235 pounds. I started with eating very little red meat maybe once a week I would have a burger with nothing on it. I mainly was eating turkey, salads and some fruits. I also started walking some, I wasn’t allowed to do anything crazy until I healed up from the surgery. I think that it was about three weeks after my heart attack my friend Jerry stopped over and we were talking about the event that happened and the reasons why it happened. Jerry has always been a body builder type of person very conscious of his diet and such, he told me about this book he just read call the Engine two diet and thought I should check it out. Basically it’s a vegan diet and a the book is about a group of firefighters that tried the diet for 28 days and as a result there cholesterol levels dropped and there over all health was improved. I thought what the heck I’ll try it out and see if I can do it, I was already barely eating meat anyways. I told everyone that I am going to try this out for 28 days and see how it goes. 28 days turned into three months, three months turned into a half of a year and now in April it will be one year since I have eaten any type of meat. I have not eaten any animal products either, well up until last week… I ate a whole medium veggie pizza with cheese after my ½ marathon. I though what the heck I earned it. I really don’t have any cravings for my old diet, no McDonalds no Wendi’s no anything like that. Oh and my cholesterol levels are totally normal now! Also after today’s run I weighed in at 179.4 pounds that’s about a 56 pound weight loss so far. I have a one year check up at the end of this week so I am excited to see the results of my test to see how I am doing.
After I was allowed to move around more after my surgery I thought I would start walking, just to get off the couch and start moving. I walked about almost every night after work. There is a metro park/ hiking paths near my home that made the perfect route for me. A lot of local people use the paths for walking and running, so I got to see a lot of my neighbors that I never met. It was until one night that I was out on my walk and these two younger girls ran by me. It was almost like they ran/floated by me, it was a very graceful run. I thought aahh why can’t I do that. So after they passed I kick up my heals and ran a full 50 feet before I stopped and was gasping for air. I thought that I was going to pass out. I walked the rest of the way home, but I kept thinking that I could run, why not? When I got home I jumped on the computer and looked up running and starting to run. Looking though 1000’s of pages, a lot of them talked about the couch to 5K program. It was a walk run program that trained you to run 5K in about 9 weeks. They also have a cool iphone app that tells you when to walk and when to run. I don’t want to bore you if the painful detail of my first few weeks but it all ends up with me at the local running store buying a new pair of running shoes. Then some new running clothes. I finished the program but it was a timed program, not by distance so I never really ran the 5k only ran for 30 minutes. I decided that it was time to take my running to the next step and run a local 5k race. It was the scariest feeling signing up for a running race. They say the difference between and jogger and a runner is a entry form. My first race 5K race I ran in 34 minutes and something. It didn’t matter how long it took me to run it, it was the fact that I ran it start to finish. I signed up for two more 5K’s and my times improved. Then I had some dumb Idea that if I could go from total non-runner to a 5K runner, why couldn’t I run farther maybe a marathon? That idea bring us to this blog, half way through my marathon training and a ½ marathon under my belt, two more months of training… only time will tell.
Oh ya that’s why I am running this race on the 28th, got a little side tracked .:)
Week’s training runs were really nice because the weather warmed up little bit, so that meant I could strip down on the cold weather gear. Just feels a lot better running in shorts. Monday was the day after my ½ marathon so I used it as a rest day. Tuesday is a scheduled rest day. Wednesday I ran 3 miles @ 9:56 pace, which is weird because usually I run slower on the first run of the week. Thursday was a 7 mile run @ 11:23 pace. It feels good going to work knowing that I all ready ran 7 miler. Friday moved up to a 4 mile run that I did @ a 9:56 pace. Saturday is a rest day. Sundays 10 mile run I did @ a 11:13 average. The last two mile of the run felt really draining, and my feet really hurt for some reason. I pushed though it and when I got home had a nice long ice bath to help clear out my legs. I really dig those ice baths, I only soak for about 10-15 minutes (from the legs down) and my legs feel about 60% less of the after run aches and pains. Then I pigged out on some Boca burgers and veggies. I know not much of a pig out to some but for me it was a feast.
I signed up for a new race on March 28th, it’s the 13th Annual Strides of March 5K run and walk. All proceeds from this race will benefit children and adults with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. There are a couple of good reasons for me to run this race, One my brother has down syndrome and I have a lot of good memories when I was younger of him attending lots of school, community programs and sports that I know he enjoyed. If I can help give a little funding to them so future people can also enjoy the things that he had, Plus one! March 28th is also the date that I went to the emergency room because I was having chest pains all week and couldn’t tuff it out any more and was then checked into the hospital because I had a heart attack. Yes I said heart attack at 37 years old. I had one small blockage in some rear lower artery and another that was about 95% blocked. I had arthroscopic surgery and had a stent implant. My cholesterol level was over 600!!! I was diagnosed with CAD Coronary artery disease. I would say it was the scariest event in my life so far. So scary that it was life changing. I felt that I had to make a change to better me and hopefully my change would cause a change reaction with in my family to better them. My change started with my diet, when I was released from the hospital every doctor and nurse pounded into my head that my diet had to change. The way that I was eating and lack of exercise was… well killing me. When I left the hospital I was 5’8” and weighed 235 pounds. I started with eating very little red meat maybe once a week I would have a burger with nothing on it. I mainly was eating turkey, salads and some fruits. I also started walking some, I wasn’t allowed to do anything crazy until I healed up from the surgery. I think that it was about three weeks after my heart attack my friend Jerry stopped over and we were talking about the event that happened and the reasons why it happened. Jerry has always been a body builder type of person very conscious of his diet and such, he told me about this book he just read call the Engine two diet and thought I should check it out. Basically it’s a vegan diet and a the book is about a group of firefighters that tried the diet for 28 days and as a result there cholesterol levels dropped and there over all health was improved. I thought what the heck I’ll try it out and see if I can do it, I was already barely eating meat anyways. I told everyone that I am going to try this out for 28 days and see how it goes. 28 days turned into three months, three months turned into a half of a year and now in April it will be one year since I have eaten any type of meat. I have not eaten any animal products either, well up until last week… I ate a whole medium veggie pizza with cheese after my ½ marathon. I though what the heck I earned it. I really don’t have any cravings for my old diet, no McDonalds no Wendi’s no anything like that. Oh and my cholesterol levels are totally normal now! Also after today’s run I weighed in at 179.4 pounds that’s about a 56 pound weight loss so far. I have a one year check up at the end of this week so I am excited to see the results of my test to see how I am doing.
After I was allowed to move around more after my surgery I thought I would start walking, just to get off the couch and start moving. I walked about almost every night after work. There is a metro park/ hiking paths near my home that made the perfect route for me. A lot of local people use the paths for walking and running, so I got to see a lot of my neighbors that I never met. It was until one night that I was out on my walk and these two younger girls ran by me. It was almost like they ran/floated by me, it was a very graceful run. I thought aahh why can’t I do that. So after they passed I kick up my heals and ran a full 50 feet before I stopped and was gasping for air. I thought that I was going to pass out. I walked the rest of the way home, but I kept thinking that I could run, why not? When I got home I jumped on the computer and looked up running and starting to run. Looking though 1000’s of pages, a lot of them talked about the couch to 5K program. It was a walk run program that trained you to run 5K in about 9 weeks. They also have a cool iphone app that tells you when to walk and when to run. I don’t want to bore you if the painful detail of my first few weeks but it all ends up with me at the local running store buying a new pair of running shoes. Then some new running clothes. I finished the program but it was a timed program, not by distance so I never really ran the 5k only ran for 30 minutes. I decided that it was time to take my running to the next step and run a local 5k race. It was the scariest feeling signing up for a running race. They say the difference between and jogger and a runner is a entry form. My first race 5K race I ran in 34 minutes and something. It didn’t matter how long it took me to run it, it was the fact that I ran it start to finish. I signed up for two more 5K’s and my times improved. Then I had some dumb Idea that if I could go from total non-runner to a 5K runner, why couldn’t I run farther maybe a marathon? That idea bring us to this blog, half way through my marathon training and a ½ marathon under my belt, two more months of training… only time will tell.
Oh ya that’s why I am running this race on the 28th, got a little side tracked .:)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Workout Update and Mill Creek Distance Classic
Let’s start off saying that Monday was a rest day as planned. I usually spin on Mondays but I thought that I would take it off to save my legs some. Tuesday is my normal rest day. Well on Tuesday I got the flu, I came home from work in the afternoon and it was terrible. I think everyone knows how the flu goes. My wife Lyn also came home from work with the flu. To top that off my three children were also home sick with the flu. Wednesday I spent the whole day on the couch with the whole family sick. So I didn’t get to run my 3 mile run in the morning. Thursday I did feel better but I just couldn’t make it up at 5:00am for my 6 mile run. Friday is my normal day off of work so after getting up and getting the kids off to school I decided to get out and run. Normally Friday is a 3 mile run, but I was hoping to make it a 6 mile run since I didn’t get to run all week. The first 3 mile were pretty hard on me I felt really drained and dehydrated from being sick all week. Thankfully Thursday night I returned the large water belt and got a medium sized one. I only filled up two of the four containers to try it out. The way I felt it should have took all four but at least I had some liquids. I pushed through the next 3 miles and finish the full 6 miles that morning. I felt really good after that run, relieved that I could still run after not running all week. I felt that I wouldn’t push it and take Saturday off instead of trying to make up for lost mileage. That way I’ll be really rested for Sundays 1/2 marathon. I really don’t like getting sick.
The ½ marathon was in Youngstown, Ohio, which is about 80 miles away from where I live. So Saturday night I packed up my running gear. The weather said the high of the day would be around 45 but that wouldn’t be until around 3:00-4:00 and the race is at 8:45 so I packed up warn and cold gear and would decide on what to wear when I got there. Sunday morning I got up around 5:00 finished packing up my water and gels and headed out. When I got to Mill Creek around 7:30 am the weather was still very cold around 25, I am so happy that I packed my compression pants and running jacket.
I went to the check in to pick up my race bib and timing chip. When I read my read my race number I kind of laughed it was number four, I hope they went in order of who signed up first, because I know that wasn’t wishful thinking of what place I would come in. After getting dressed and “filling up only two of my 10oz. water containers” I packed up my GU gels and went back to the car to warm up a little before the race began. Around 8:30 I decided to join the rest of the 400-500 people standing around the starting area. When I grabbed my head phone for my iPod I noticed that I lost one of the rubber inserts of the ear piece. I looked around franticly for it but no luck, it was gone. I thought man that just sucks, I guess I’ll just use one ear piece. I did try using it without it for a bit to have sound in both ears but I mainly just upset me more that it didn’t have a spare one to replace it with. Oh well next time I’ll bring the extra ones.
Around 8:40 they called all ½ marathoners to line up at the starting line. The next five minutes went pretty fast, the next thing I know I heard the starting horn and a crowd of runners started to well… run.
The first mile or so was all downhill. It was mainly everyone trying to find there pace and join up in there running groups. I was a solo runner with no real pace in mind I just knew that I wanted to start and finish before everyone went home. Ok maybe that’s a lie I was hoping to finish around 2:15:00.
Here is a picture of me number 4 running down the first hill at the start of the race cool shades and all.
So the first mile I ran in 9:54. I had my Garmin 305 gps watch setup to split every mile so I could see how I did at the end of the race. Second mile I ran in 10:44, that’s when the hills began. I haven’t really ran hills before, mainly the small one around town and also the few at our metro parks. These hills were huge !!!! I mean crazy huge. Up and down rolling hills the whole race. I think that the total flat land that I ran was about 2 miles. The third mile I ran in 10:13. About then You heard the 5K race begin, The way the route was setup there was a few small laps around the roads in the beginning were you ran some areas twice then headed out on a huge loop. Mile four I ran in 11:01, Here some of the 5K racers ran with us. I was thinking man there running fast, they’re not going to have anything left towards the end, but then I remembered that there only going 5K not 13.1 miles. I ran mile 5 in 10:56. I started to fuel up on my GU gel and some Gatorade here. There were some water station along the course, but I wasn’t sure where they were and how long apart they were. I also had my water on my belt just in case. I ran mile 6 in 10:54. About now the main pack is really spread out and everyone is settled into their pace. I was running with a group of about ten runners and we swapped places depending on if we were running up or down the hills. Mile 7 I ran in 11:01. I was really excited for mile seven, because I knew that I had made it at least half way through the race. Whenever I am out on my long runs the half way point always gives me an extra pump, well I wish that it did that here. There were just too many big hills that were draining me. I ran mile 8 in 11:51. Did I mention that I had to relieve myself since mile three? I was afraid of two things, one that someone would see me run of the course to the wood and see me going to the bathroom in the bushes or I would lose too much time. Well there was a port a potty on the course at around mile 8-9 so I had to do it! I couldn’t wait any longer. The funny thing was trying to just stand there and do my potty break after running 8 miles, my body didn’t want to stop moving around. Anyways I ran mile 9 in 10:55. Mile ten was run in 12:42. Here you can see that the hills were really starting to get to me. I just wanted to run this last three miles and stop. I had finish all my GU gels and working on the last few sips of water that I had on me. I ran mile 11 in 12:06. I started to take a few walking breaks on the uphill’s here, my calf’s were starting to cramp up. I made up time on the down hills, I kind of let gravity take over and pull me down the hills. Mile 12 was run in 12:00 flat. Mile 13 was the hardest of them all. I ran out of water and there was only one water station left, I think I grabbed three cups and drank them down while I walked through. I walked up the second to last think that this was it the last up hill, I really tried to push it and start running up the hill but my toes were really hurting and I felt my legs begging to walk. Starting the last downhill I heard the guy next to me grunt out this is it the last one. We turned right and I look up… damn that first downhill and the beginning of the race is now the last up hill. I tried once again to run up it but I just could not run up hill. Half way up the hill I saw the finishing line and the tree lights with the time 2:2x something. So I started to run one more time to the finish line. Mile 13.2 was ran in 16:39, 13.2 was mile 13 and the .2 my Garmin recorded. My official time from the chip is 2:30:39.6. I was hoping to finish around 2:15:00 but I am glad that I just finished. I think that if it wasn’t all hills I could have made my goal time. I think that I am glad that it was a tough course for me, because that just gives me more motivation to keep working harder.
I also earned my black toe nails award in this race. I think that it was all the pounding of the down hills. I will leave you with that wonderful picture at the end of my post.
So this week its back to training, resting on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday 3 miles, Thursday 7 miles, Friday 4 miles, Saturday rest and Sundays long run of 10 miles.
The ½ marathon was in Youngstown, Ohio, which is about 80 miles away from where I live. So Saturday night I packed up my running gear. The weather said the high of the day would be around 45 but that wouldn’t be until around 3:00-4:00 and the race is at 8:45 so I packed up warn and cold gear and would decide on what to wear when I got there. Sunday morning I got up around 5:00 finished packing up my water and gels and headed out. When I got to Mill Creek around 7:30 am the weather was still very cold around 25, I am so happy that I packed my compression pants and running jacket.
I went to the check in to pick up my race bib and timing chip. When I read my read my race number I kind of laughed it was number four, I hope they went in order of who signed up first, because I know that wasn’t wishful thinking of what place I would come in. After getting dressed and “filling up only two of my 10oz. water containers” I packed up my GU gels and went back to the car to warm up a little before the race began. Around 8:30 I decided to join the rest of the 400-500 people standing around the starting area. When I grabbed my head phone for my iPod I noticed that I lost one of the rubber inserts of the ear piece. I looked around franticly for it but no luck, it was gone. I thought man that just sucks, I guess I’ll just use one ear piece. I did try using it without it for a bit to have sound in both ears but I mainly just upset me more that it didn’t have a spare one to replace it with. Oh well next time I’ll bring the extra ones.
Around 8:40 they called all ½ marathoners to line up at the starting line. The next five minutes went pretty fast, the next thing I know I heard the starting horn and a crowd of runners started to well… run.
The first mile or so was all downhill. It was mainly everyone trying to find there pace and join up in there running groups. I was a solo runner with no real pace in mind I just knew that I wanted to start and finish before everyone went home. Ok maybe that’s a lie I was hoping to finish around 2:15:00.
Here is a picture of me number 4 running down the first hill at the start of the race cool shades and all.
So the first mile I ran in 9:54. I had my Garmin 305 gps watch setup to split every mile so I could see how I did at the end of the race. Second mile I ran in 10:44, that’s when the hills began. I haven’t really ran hills before, mainly the small one around town and also the few at our metro parks. These hills were huge !!!! I mean crazy huge. Up and down rolling hills the whole race. I think that the total flat land that I ran was about 2 miles. The third mile I ran in 10:13. About then You heard the 5K race begin, The way the route was setup there was a few small laps around the roads in the beginning were you ran some areas twice then headed out on a huge loop. Mile four I ran in 11:01, Here some of the 5K racers ran with us. I was thinking man there running fast, they’re not going to have anything left towards the end, but then I remembered that there only going 5K not 13.1 miles. I ran mile 5 in 10:56. I started to fuel up on my GU gel and some Gatorade here. There were some water station along the course, but I wasn’t sure where they were and how long apart they were. I also had my water on my belt just in case. I ran mile 6 in 10:54. About now the main pack is really spread out and everyone is settled into their pace. I was running with a group of about ten runners and we swapped places depending on if we were running up or down the hills. Mile 7 I ran in 11:01. I was really excited for mile seven, because I knew that I had made it at least half way through the race. Whenever I am out on my long runs the half way point always gives me an extra pump, well I wish that it did that here. There were just too many big hills that were draining me. I ran mile 8 in 11:51. Did I mention that I had to relieve myself since mile three? I was afraid of two things, one that someone would see me run of the course to the wood and see me going to the bathroom in the bushes or I would lose too much time. Well there was a port a potty on the course at around mile 8-9 so I had to do it! I couldn’t wait any longer. The funny thing was trying to just stand there and do my potty break after running 8 miles, my body didn’t want to stop moving around. Anyways I ran mile 9 in 10:55. Mile ten was run in 12:42. Here you can see that the hills were really starting to get to me. I just wanted to run this last three miles and stop. I had finish all my GU gels and working on the last few sips of water that I had on me. I ran mile 11 in 12:06. I started to take a few walking breaks on the uphill’s here, my calf’s were starting to cramp up. I made up time on the down hills, I kind of let gravity take over and pull me down the hills. Mile 12 was run in 12:00 flat. Mile 13 was the hardest of them all. I ran out of water and there was only one water station left, I think I grabbed three cups and drank them down while I walked through. I walked up the second to last think that this was it the last up hill, I really tried to push it and start running up the hill but my toes were really hurting and I felt my legs begging to walk. Starting the last downhill I heard the guy next to me grunt out this is it the last one. We turned right and I look up… damn that first downhill and the beginning of the race is now the last up hill. I tried once again to run up it but I just could not run up hill. Half way up the hill I saw the finishing line and the tree lights with the time 2:2x something. So I started to run one more time to the finish line. Mile 13.2 was ran in 16:39, 13.2 was mile 13 and the .2 my Garmin recorded. My official time from the chip is 2:30:39.6. I was hoping to finish around 2:15:00 but I am glad that I just finished. I think that if it wasn’t all hills I could have made my goal time. I think that I am glad that it was a tough course for me, because that just gives me more motivation to keep working harder.
I also earned my black toe nails award in this race. I think that it was all the pounding of the down hills. I will leave you with that wonderful picture at the end of my post.
So this week its back to training, resting on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday 3 miles, Thursday 7 miles, Friday 4 miles, Saturday rest and Sundays long run of 10 miles.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Workout Update
Six more days until my first ½ marathon!
This week was the most I have run in a week yet, topping the week off with a total of 24.05 miles. Every week for now in my training will take me to new pr’s of distance. I really don’t feel that bad either, I discovered a new helpful recovery plan that helps with well… recovery from long runs. listening to my new favorite pod cast two gomers run a marathon they were talking about a web site that has the top 10 mistakes that new marathon runners make. The first one was stretching and ice baths after long runs. I have been lacking on the stretching department a lot lately because I run in the morning and then have to hurry off to drive my son to school then I continue to work. So my plan has been to get up a little earlier then I have some time to stretch after my runs. Also on the days were I run longer than 3 miles I’ll take a 10-15 minute ice bath. On Wednesdays run even thou it was a 3 mile run I decided to give it a try, so when I got home I stretched for 5 minutes then filled up the tub with cold water and all the ice cubes and ice packs that were in the freezer. Now when I mean ice bath I don’t mean full on ice bath, I only soak from my knees down. I don’t think my man hood could take that kind of punishment. It was very hard to soak in the tub from the knees down but I managed to do it for 15 minutes. When I got out my legs were freezing but I think that was the point. The coolest thing was that I felt no dull pain or discomfort in my legs. What ya know it works… So after work I decided to find a large tub that I can use for my ice baths. I found a 28 gallon Tupperware container at target that is just perfect for soaking my legs in. It was kind of funny trying them out in the middle of target to see if I could kneel in them. The looks people give you some times. After Thursdays 6 mile run I tried the ice bath again and it was perfect!!! Legs felt great all day. So I think that ice baths after long runs will be my new routine.
I have been think of buying a hydration belt for my long runs, the corner stores are not always open in the morning when I run to buy water so I thought I would give in to the fanny pack looking belt and try one out. I bought a Nathan speed 4 from dicks to try out. It has four 10oz. bottles, one on each corner and two pockets for gels and snacks or whatever. On Sunday morning I fill all the bottles up and packed my gels in there and went to put it on… well it wouldn’t stay up on my waist. Thinking what a piece of @#$# then I looked at the tag and it said “Large” sometimes I forget that I am 50 lbs. lighter than I used to be, so when I bought it I thought oh ya large will work. So I had to unpack the pack and throw my gels into my coat pocket and grab some cash to stop at the store half way through the run to get some water/power aid. I hate buying water bottles out on the run because then you’re stuck with it until you find a trash can or you get home. Any ways tonight I returned the large belt and exchanged it for a medium one. So ill get to try it out next run.
On Monday was my last spinning class with my free membership, not sure what I am going to do about that yet. I have decided to take off this Mondays cross training to save the legs a little bit. Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 3 miles @11:19 pace, Thursday I ran 6 miles @ 11:22, Friday I tried to run 3 miles it was snowing really really bad and had big snow drifts on the trails I like to run on Fridays. So I ran about 2 miles and ended up walking one @ average pace of 14:18 and Sundays long run of 12 miles! @ 11:16 pace (longest distance so far)
This week’s runs are 3,6,3 miles then the ½ marathon. I am really hoping for some good weather on Sunday for the race. They are calling for the 40’s so I hope it stays that way. I really hope that I can get some pictures and maybe video of the race also, we’ll see.
This week was the most I have run in a week yet, topping the week off with a total of 24.05 miles. Every week for now in my training will take me to new pr’s of distance. I really don’t feel that bad either, I discovered a new helpful recovery plan that helps with well… recovery from long runs. listening to my new favorite pod cast two gomers run a marathon they were talking about a web site that has the top 10 mistakes that new marathon runners make. The first one was stretching and ice baths after long runs. I have been lacking on the stretching department a lot lately because I run in the morning and then have to hurry off to drive my son to school then I continue to work. So my plan has been to get up a little earlier then I have some time to stretch after my runs. Also on the days were I run longer than 3 miles I’ll take a 10-15 minute ice bath. On Wednesdays run even thou it was a 3 mile run I decided to give it a try, so when I got home I stretched for 5 minutes then filled up the tub with cold water and all the ice cubes and ice packs that were in the freezer. Now when I mean ice bath I don’t mean full on ice bath, I only soak from my knees down. I don’t think my man hood could take that kind of punishment. It was very hard to soak in the tub from the knees down but I managed to do it for 15 minutes. When I got out my legs were freezing but I think that was the point. The coolest thing was that I felt no dull pain or discomfort in my legs. What ya know it works… So after work I decided to find a large tub that I can use for my ice baths. I found a 28 gallon Tupperware container at target that is just perfect for soaking my legs in. It was kind of funny trying them out in the middle of target to see if I could kneel in them. The looks people give you some times. After Thursdays 6 mile run I tried the ice bath again and it was perfect!!! Legs felt great all day. So I think that ice baths after long runs will be my new routine.
I have been think of buying a hydration belt for my long runs, the corner stores are not always open in the morning when I run to buy water so I thought I would give in to the fanny pack looking belt and try one out. I bought a Nathan speed 4 from dicks to try out. It has four 10oz. bottles, one on each corner and two pockets for gels and snacks or whatever. On Sunday morning I fill all the bottles up and packed my gels in there and went to put it on… well it wouldn’t stay up on my waist. Thinking what a piece of @#$# then I looked at the tag and it said “Large” sometimes I forget that I am 50 lbs. lighter than I used to be, so when I bought it I thought oh ya large will work. So I had to unpack the pack and throw my gels into my coat pocket and grab some cash to stop at the store half way through the run to get some water/power aid. I hate buying water bottles out on the run because then you’re stuck with it until you find a trash can or you get home. Any ways tonight I returned the large belt and exchanged it for a medium one. So ill get to try it out next run.
On Monday was my last spinning class with my free membership, not sure what I am going to do about that yet. I have decided to take off this Mondays cross training to save the legs a little bit. Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 3 miles @11:19 pace, Thursday I ran 6 miles @ 11:22, Friday I tried to run 3 miles it was snowing really really bad and had big snow drifts on the trails I like to run on Fridays. So I ran about 2 miles and ended up walking one @ average pace of 14:18 and Sundays long run of 12 miles! @ 11:16 pace (longest distance so far)
This week’s runs are 3,6,3 miles then the ½ marathon. I am really hoping for some good weather on Sunday for the race. They are calling for the 40’s so I hope it stays that way. I really hope that I can get some pictures and maybe video of the race also, we’ll see.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Workout Update
This week’s runs were a lot easier on me for some reason. Well I know the reason… it was a recovery week. My long run was 3 miles shorter than last week, but the daily runs were the same. The easy longs runs are now over and for now on there are none less than 10 miles until the week of my marathon which there is an 8 mile long the week of the marathon. Happy and nervous are my feelings about the upcoming runs.
There was a strange moment this week also. I don’t talk about his subject much, well because I just don’t and after this I won’t. I have been lessening to a lot of different types of music on my runs because I need to fill the time somehow on my runs. I stumbled onto a band Switchfoot, they are a rock band that is also a Christian rock band of sorts. I heard them before on the radio and never really took to them. When I run I have my iphone with me and lessen to a music program called slacker radio. On slacker you can choose your type of music or even the artists to lessen to. So I made a channel called Switchfoot. I started to lessen to it on my runs and after about ½ hour I realized that it was all Christian rock. I didn’t mind the music it was actually really good. Then I started to lessen to the words and most of it was not too deep into god just giving a message of faith and inspiration in a general way. It made me remember when I had my heart attack and in the mitts of pain begged god not to take me now and I promised to do anything just let me get through this. Sort of like when you drank too much and your praying to the toilet gods that this will be the last time you drink if you get me through this… but in a scarier way. I never made the promise to run or run a marathon or to actually to do anything in return, just please get me through this. I did make it though and never gave that moment another thought, well until I was running my Sunday long run and some song came on about thankfulness and such. Just then I had a strange feeling that I wasn’t running alone, I had a feeling of peacefulness almost I was surrounded by something that just felt right. When I started to think about this feeling and what was causing it, it went away. It might have been that I was tired or getting dehydrated or maybe someone checking in on me. Whatever it was, I feel that it gave me an interpretation of what god is to me. I don’t think that I’ll be that Sunday church person, even change my religious lifestyle. It just gave me a different view of what it is. I will never speak of this again or if you ask me about it I’ll shrug it off and tell you I don’t know what you’re talking about. It just a moment that I thought I would share with you.
So this week’s runs went very well, no real pains and aches to complain about. On Monday I went spinning for one hour, Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday I did 3 miles @ 11:11, Thursday was 5 miles @ 11:04, Friday was 3 miles @ 9:26 (very happy about that time), Saturday was rest and Sundays long run was 7 miles @11:01.
Next week’s run the mileage jumps up to 3,6,3 than 12 mile long run. I hope I do well on the midweek 6 mile runs.
I have 14 days left until my first half Marathon I am getting very excited!!! I am hoping for a time around 2:20 for the half marathon, but I’ll be happy just to run start to finish.
There was a strange moment this week also. I don’t talk about his subject much, well because I just don’t and after this I won’t. I have been lessening to a lot of different types of music on my runs because I need to fill the time somehow on my runs. I stumbled onto a band Switchfoot, they are a rock band that is also a Christian rock band of sorts. I heard them before on the radio and never really took to them. When I run I have my iphone with me and lessen to a music program called slacker radio. On slacker you can choose your type of music or even the artists to lessen to. So I made a channel called Switchfoot. I started to lessen to it on my runs and after about ½ hour I realized that it was all Christian rock. I didn’t mind the music it was actually really good. Then I started to lessen to the words and most of it was not too deep into god just giving a message of faith and inspiration in a general way. It made me remember when I had my heart attack and in the mitts of pain begged god not to take me now and I promised to do anything just let me get through this. Sort of like when you drank too much and your praying to the toilet gods that this will be the last time you drink if you get me through this… but in a scarier way. I never made the promise to run or run a marathon or to actually to do anything in return, just please get me through this. I did make it though and never gave that moment another thought, well until I was running my Sunday long run and some song came on about thankfulness and such. Just then I had a strange feeling that I wasn’t running alone, I had a feeling of peacefulness almost I was surrounded by something that just felt right. When I started to think about this feeling and what was causing it, it went away. It might have been that I was tired or getting dehydrated or maybe someone checking in on me. Whatever it was, I feel that it gave me an interpretation of what god is to me. I don’t think that I’ll be that Sunday church person, even change my religious lifestyle. It just gave me a different view of what it is. I will never speak of this again or if you ask me about it I’ll shrug it off and tell you I don’t know what you’re talking about. It just a moment that I thought I would share with you.
So this week’s runs went very well, no real pains and aches to complain about. On Monday I went spinning for one hour, Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday I did 3 miles @ 11:11, Thursday was 5 miles @ 11:04, Friday was 3 miles @ 9:26 (very happy about that time), Saturday was rest and Sundays long run was 7 miles @11:01.
Next week’s run the mileage jumps up to 3,6,3 than 12 mile long run. I hope I do well on the midweek 6 mile runs.
I have 14 days left until my first half Marathon I am getting very excited!!! I am hoping for a time around 2:20 for the half marathon, but I’ll be happy just to run start to finish.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Workout Update
Just a quick up date not much time this week big project going on at work and when I get home I feel I have no time left. So Spinning on Monday was a workout and a half! That Class really kills my legs, so much I think that I am going to skip the spinning workout the week of the half marathon. Hopefully saving my legs a little. Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday 3 miles @ 11:14, Thursday 5 miles @ 55:35, Friday I went to Fitworks and ran on the treadmill I warmed up for one mile @ 11:00 then ½ mile @ 10:00 then ½ mile @9:30 then ½ mile @ 8:50 Then brought it back down for a 10:30 finish, Saturday was a rest day and Sunday was a long 10 mile that I ran in 1:51:04 with a average pace of 11:04. I like that I can average 11 minute miles on my long run, I hope that by marathon time I can bring that down to 10:30 on a 20 mile run. After the ½ marathon I think that I am going to start some hill work and intervals, nothing crazy just something to step it up a little more.
I also got a new pair of running shoes, Mizuno Wave Alchemy 9 there replacing my New Balance 850’s. I was getting about 250 miles out of both pairs of my 850’s before the bottom started to get really bad wear in the rear outer corners. I am not sure if this was causing the slight pain in my heal sometimes, but I thought it was time to try something new. I ran Friday’s treadmill run and Sundays 10 mile run in them. I took about a mile each time for my foot to settle in, after that they felt really good.
Last note I started to lessen to a new to me podcast called “Two gomers run a marathon” They have a really laid back format that makes the show very listenable and fun. If you get a chance check them out on ITunes or their web site .
I also got a new pair of running shoes, Mizuno Wave Alchemy 9 there replacing my New Balance 850’s. I was getting about 250 miles out of both pairs of my 850’s before the bottom started to get really bad wear in the rear outer corners. I am not sure if this was causing the slight pain in my heal sometimes, but I thought it was time to try something new. I ran Friday’s treadmill run and Sundays 10 mile run in them. I took about a mile each time for my foot to settle in, after that they felt really good.
Last note I started to lessen to a new to me podcast called “Two gomers run a marathon” They have a really laid back format that makes the show very listenable and fun. If you get a chance check them out on ITunes or their web site .
Monday, February 8, 2010
Workout Update
Last week’s training, I think had been the most draining yet. I feel very tired after I get home from work every day, almost like I am pushing it too far too fast without a good recovery. Then Sunday I got 11 hours sleep and I think all is well now. It’s amazing how the body tells you that something is not right or that you need to change something. So with that I am going to try to get ½ hour or more sleep a night during the week and see how that goes.
Tonight was my Monday cross training day with spinning as my choice of pain. The normal instructor was there tonight so I was a full hour class. Not sure what’s happening but the classes seem easier and I don’t feel like I couldn’t walk away from the bike. I guess that’s a good thing. I have two more free classes at Fitworks then I have to decide if I want to join.
So Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday a 3 mile run @ 10:47 pace, Thursday a 4 mile run @ 10:44 pace, Friday a 3 mile run @ 10:13 pace, Saturday was rest and Sundays long run was 9 miles @ 11:49 pace. I felt like I should have run my long run faster, but slower felt right this time.
This week’s runs are 3, 5, 3 and 10 miles, the 5 mile run on Thursday is going to be rough. Means I’ll have to get up a bit earlier to get it in. Thursdays midweek short/long runs increases every two weeks now from 5 to 6,7,8,9,10 then taper 8,6,2. Man a 10 miler Thursday morning then work all day… that is going to be tough.
Oh ya 26 days until my first Half Marathon!
Tonight was my Monday cross training day with spinning as my choice of pain. The normal instructor was there tonight so I was a full hour class. Not sure what’s happening but the classes seem easier and I don’t feel like I couldn’t walk away from the bike. I guess that’s a good thing. I have two more free classes at Fitworks then I have to decide if I want to join.
So Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday a 3 mile run @ 10:47 pace, Thursday a 4 mile run @ 10:44 pace, Friday a 3 mile run @ 10:13 pace, Saturday was rest and Sundays long run was 9 miles @ 11:49 pace. I felt like I should have run my long run faster, but slower felt right this time.
This week’s runs are 3, 5, 3 and 10 miles, the 5 mile run on Thursday is going to be rough. Means I’ll have to get up a bit earlier to get it in. Thursdays midweek short/long runs increases every two weeks now from 5 to 6,7,8,9,10 then taper 8,6,2. Man a 10 miler Thursday morning then work all day… that is going to be tough.
Oh ya 26 days until my first Half Marathon!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Workout Update
This week’s training started off very slow. I did not want to get up and run. I think I just have a lot on my mind, lots of pressure to get things done fast and perfect which adds to the daily drama of work. Mondays Spinning Class was a lot better than the first one. I was prepared with my towel and a full water bottle on my side. The class started a little late and I think that the instructor wanted to make up a little time in the beginning. She got right into some add 10% more repeats. When all done, for some reason I didn’t feel that I was working as hard as the first class and it was mush easier. I think that I might have been that I ran 11 miles the day before the first class, and this one I ran 7 the day before. Overall I really like going to Spinning Class it’s a refreshing change from the daily runs.
Wednesday I work up a little late and had to do a 3 miler, so I decided to run on the dreadmill. I think that was the first mistake. I ended up running 1.5 miles at a 10 minute pace, and then walked for a mile at 10% grade and 3.5 mile per hour. I think I am just an outside runner. It’s just too easy to get off the treadmill and stop. When you’re outside you still have to make to back home if you want to call it quits.
Thursdays run was my first 4 mile midweek run. Ran in 45:47 @ 10:26. It wasn’t too bad of a run and I glad I got it in. Fridays 3 mile run was 31:17 @ 10:26. Saturday was a rest day. Sunday was the last of the short 5mile long runs, For now on nothing under 7 miles on Sundays and that only three weeks from now. So Sunday’s very very cold run was 5 miles 54:51 @ 10:57.
Next week I am running 3, 4, 3 and 9 miles, man the miles are going to add up quick now!
Wednesday I work up a little late and had to do a 3 miler, so I decided to run on the dreadmill. I think that was the first mistake. I ended up running 1.5 miles at a 10 minute pace, and then walked for a mile at 10% grade and 3.5 mile per hour. I think I am just an outside runner. It’s just too easy to get off the treadmill and stop. When you’re outside you still have to make to back home if you want to call it quits.
Thursdays run was my first 4 mile midweek run. Ran in 45:47 @ 10:26. It wasn’t too bad of a run and I glad I got it in. Fridays 3 mile run was 31:17 @ 10:26. Saturday was a rest day. Sunday was the last of the short 5mile long runs, For now on nothing under 7 miles on Sundays and that only three weeks from now. So Sunday’s very very cold run was 5 miles 54:51 @ 10:57.
Next week I am running 3, 4, 3 and 9 miles, man the miles are going to add up quick now!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Workout Update
Let me tell ya something about spinning class, I think that it’s one of the hardest workouts I have ever done. It was one full hour of nonstop cardio fun. Being a total newbie of spinning I really didn’t know what was all entailed in the class. Let’s just say that there are three things you need when you go to a spinning class, One “WATER”, two a “TOWEL” and three lots of “HEART”. About ten minutes into the workout I felt muscles that I have never worked out before chime in. I didn’t think that I would not make it pass 15 minutes. Of course being the newbie I am I didn’t bring any water or towels to dry the “gallons” of sweat that was pouring off me. Twenty minutes into the class the very nice instructor got of her bike and reached into her duffel bag and bought me a cool fresh bottle of water. I was like naaa no thanks… she was like aahhh ya just take it tuff guy. I did with a smile and drank down half of it right then. I think the hardest part for me was the standing up on the bike and run/jog/pedal the bike. If you never seen a spin class go on You Tube and search one out and you’ll see what I mean about the sit to stand drills. I made it thru the whole class and the stretching after wards. I could barely walk when the class was done. Even after a day of rest Wednesday run was painful. Am I going back next Monday? Hell ya I am!!! I thought it was the enjoyable time working out that I had in a while.
So Monday was Spinning, Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday 3 miles @ 33:46, Thursday 3 miles @ 32:40, Friday 3 miles @28:58, Saturday was a rest day and Sunday 7 miles @ 1:17:14. Overall it was a very good week.
So Monday was Spinning, Tuesday was a rest day, Wednesday 3 miles @ 33:46, Thursday 3 miles @ 32:40, Friday 3 miles @28:58, Saturday was a rest day and Sunday 7 miles @ 1:17:14. Overall it was a very good week.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Workout Update
This week’s runs were not too bad. I stepped it up a little bit on the short 3 milers and well... doubled the Sunday long. Monday I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes @ 10%, Tuesday rest, Wednesday 3 miles @ 33:32, Thursday 3 miles @ 29:48, Friday 3 miles @ 30:05, Saturday rest and Sunday 11.07 miles @ 2:02:22. I am glad that my time on the 3 milers dropped, I felt like it wasn’t pushing my anymore and I was being a lazy runner. I like that 3 miles- 30 minutes. Sunday’s long run was another can I do it. I ran from home to my father’s house. My wife and kids met me there for a birthday party we were having. I thought it was going to be a couple of miles longer but I am glad it was only 11 miles. My farthest run yet. I fueled up on the road with GU chomps and at mile 7 I stopped at a gas station for some water that I added some GU brew to. For the most part I kept up a steady pace of 10:30 to 11:00 but all said and done my average was 11:03. I am very happy with that time!!! Slow and long!!! And at that pace my half marathon would come in at 2:20-2:30 which that’s about I was thinking for a goal on my first. But who knows when then the excitement of the race kicks in I might end up a little faster times.
For the most part I am going to stick to the training plan for now on. I push my mileage too far and I can feel it now. Tomorrow is gong be my first spinning class so I hope all goes well with that. I’ll try to take some pictures and post a small update after the class.
For the most part I am going to stick to the training plan for now on. I push my mileage too far and I can feel it now. Tomorrow is gong be my first spinning class so I hope all goes well with that. I’ll try to take some pictures and post a small update after the class.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Workout Update
Last week was a good week even thou I have been running on a bum ankle that I rolled when I was running was Sunday on some ice. I took off Monday and Tuesday to rest my ankle, basically I iced and elevated it and I am glad it I did it. Wednesday I ran 3 miles @ 33:23, Thursday 3 miles @ 33:07, Friday 3 miles @ 33:54 and Sunday 7 miles @ 1:23:10 it was hard to run any faster because of the weather and the ankle was a little sore. That brings the week total to 16.00 miles.
This week starts week 13 of the 30 week program of my marathon training. I can’t believe that in 8 weeks I’ll be running my first half marathon. I know that I can do it but hopefully it will be under 2:30. That would put me at an 11:30 pace or faster.
Today I signed up at Fitworks, it was the free 6 week membership for signing up for the Cleveland marathon. So starting next week I’ll be taking a spinning class Monday morning and hopefully a yoga class later that night. Not sure about the yoga because the class starts at 5:30 and I work until 6:00 maybe later on in the week I can catch the class later in the week.
Also I am going to try to post my running training plan for you to check out I hope you can make it out.
Marathon Training
Week- Mon- Tue- Wed- Thu- Fri- Sat- Sun
1 10/19 30 min walk Rest 1.5 m run 3.0m run 1.5 m run Rest 3 m run
2 10/26 35 min walk Rest 1.5 m run 3.0m run 1.5 m run Rest 3.5 m run
3 11/02 40 min walk Rest 1.5m run 3 m run 1.5 m run Rest 3 m run
4 11/09 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 1.5 m run Rest 4 m run
5 11/16 45 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 3 m run
6 11/23 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 4.5m run
7 11/30 50 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 3 m run
8 12/07 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 5 m run
9 12/14 55 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2.5 m run Rest 3 m run
10 12/21 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2.5 m run Rest 5.5m run
11 12/28 60 min walk Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 3 m run
12 01/04 30 min walk Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 6 m run
13 01/11 Cross Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 6 m run
14 01/18 Cross Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 7 m run
15 01/25 Cross Rest 3 m run 4 m run 3 m run Rest 5 m run
16 02/01 Cross Rest 3 m run 4 m run 3 m run Rest 9 m run
17 02/08 Cross Rest 3 m run 5 m run 3 m run Rest 10 m run
18 01/15 Cross Rest 3 m run 5 m run 3 m run Rest 7 m run
19 02/22 Cross Rest 3 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest 12 m run
20 03/01 Cross Rest 3 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest Mil Creek Distance Classic
21 03/08 Cross Rest 3 m run 7 m run 4 m run Rest 10 m run
22 03/15 Cross Rest 3 m run 7 m run 4 m run Rest 15 m run
23 03/22 Cross Rest 4 m run 8 m run 4 m run Rest 16 m run
24 03/29 Cross Rest 4 m run 8 m run 5 m run Rest 12 m run
25 04/05 Cross Rest 4 m run 9 m run 5 m run Rest 18 m run
26 04/12 Cross Rest 5 m run 9 m run 5 m run Rest 14 m run
27 04/19 Cross Rest 5 m run 10 m run 5 m run Rest 20 m run
28 04/26 Cross Rest 5 m run 8 m run 4 m run Rest 12 m run
29 05/03 Cross Rest 4 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest 8 m run
29 05/10 Cross 3 m run 4 m run 2 m run Rest Rest Marathon
This week starts week 13 of the 30 week program of my marathon training. I can’t believe that in 8 weeks I’ll be running my first half marathon. I know that I can do it but hopefully it will be under 2:30. That would put me at an 11:30 pace or faster.
Today I signed up at Fitworks, it was the free 6 week membership for signing up for the Cleveland marathon. So starting next week I’ll be taking a spinning class Monday morning and hopefully a yoga class later that night. Not sure about the yoga because the class starts at 5:30 and I work until 6:00 maybe later on in the week I can catch the class later in the week.
Also I am going to try to post my running training plan for you to check out I hope you can make it out.
Marathon Training
Week- Mon- Tue- Wed- Thu- Fri- Sat- Sun
1 10/19 30 min walk Rest 1.5 m run 3.0m run 1.5 m run Rest 3 m run
2 10/26 35 min walk Rest 1.5 m run 3.0m run 1.5 m run Rest 3.5 m run
3 11/02 40 min walk Rest 1.5m run 3 m run 1.5 m run Rest 3 m run
4 11/09 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 1.5 m run Rest 4 m run
5 11/16 45 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 3 m run
6 11/23 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 4.5m run
7 11/30 50 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 3 m run
8 12/07 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2 m run Rest 5 m run
9 12/14 55 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2.5 m run Rest 3 m run
10 12/21 30 min walk Rest 2 m run 3 m run 2.5 m run Rest 5.5m run
11 12/28 60 min walk Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 3 m run
12 01/04 30 min walk Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 6 m run
13 01/11 Cross Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 6 m run
14 01/18 Cross Rest 3 m run 3 m run 3 m run Rest 7 m run
15 01/25 Cross Rest 3 m run 4 m run 3 m run Rest 5 m run
16 02/01 Cross Rest 3 m run 4 m run 3 m run Rest 9 m run
17 02/08 Cross Rest 3 m run 5 m run 3 m run Rest 10 m run
18 01/15 Cross Rest 3 m run 5 m run 3 m run Rest 7 m run
19 02/22 Cross Rest 3 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest 12 m run
20 03/01 Cross Rest 3 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest Mil Creek Distance Classic
21 03/08 Cross Rest 3 m run 7 m run 4 m run Rest 10 m run
22 03/15 Cross Rest 3 m run 7 m run 4 m run Rest 15 m run
23 03/22 Cross Rest 4 m run 8 m run 4 m run Rest 16 m run
24 03/29 Cross Rest 4 m run 8 m run 5 m run Rest 12 m run
25 04/05 Cross Rest 4 m run 9 m run 5 m run Rest 18 m run
26 04/12 Cross Rest 5 m run 9 m run 5 m run Rest 14 m run
27 04/19 Cross Rest 5 m run 10 m run 5 m run Rest 20 m run
28 04/26 Cross Rest 5 m run 8 m run 4 m run Rest 12 m run
29 05/03 Cross Rest 4 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest 8 m run
29 05/10 Cross 3 m run 4 m run 2 m run Rest Rest Marathon
Friday, January 8, 2010
Today's run was fun.
Woke up around 5:30 to the sound of school is closed. So I geared up
and went out for a run. This mornings run was very very very snowy.
Just about everyone was out shovling their drive ways and digging out
their cars. I didn't have to worry about the school busses this
morning but a new enemy "the snow plow truck". I have one of those arm
bands with flashing red led lights that I wear on morning runs. Lately
I have been carrying a small led flash light that I have on pointing
towards the ground. This way if I think the traffic doesn't see me I
can give them a little flash from my light. I seems to work really
well so far. Even the big plow truck saw me and slowed down. Even thou
it was very snowy I enjoyed this mornings 3 miler, it was very quite
and peaceful.
and went out for a run. This mornings run was very very very snowy.
Just about everyone was out shovling their drive ways and digging out
their cars. I didn't have to worry about the school busses this
morning but a new enemy "the snow plow truck". I have one of those arm
bands with flashing red led lights that I wear on morning runs. Lately
I have been carrying a small led flash light that I have on pointing
towards the ground. This way if I think the traffic doesn't see me I
can give them a little flash from my light. I seems to work really
well so far. Even the big plow truck saw me and slowed down. Even thou
it was very snowy I enjoyed this mornings 3 miler, it was very quite
and peaceful.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
First run with the yaks
Well they work! The only problem is that 60% of my running this
morning was on wet/slushy pavement and think that running on non snow/
ice will wear them down pretty fast. You can't really tell that you
have them on when your in the snow. When you hit open road you can
feel them a little bit and you sound like your running with cleats on.
Over all I am glad I got them if I run up on a patch of ice or a
trail that is covered I don't have to worry about falling on my a$$ or
twisting an ankle.
morning was on wet/slushy pavement and think that running on non snow/
ice will wear them down pretty fast. You can't really tell that you
have them on when your in the snow. When you hit open road you can
feel them a little bit and you sound like your running with cleats on.
Over all I am glad I got them if I run up on a patch of ice or a
trail that is covered I don't have to worry about falling on my a$$ or
twisting an ankle.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Hopefully some traction on the roads.
On Sundays run the trails were really icy and I rolled my left ankle.
I ran threw the pain and when I got home I iced it for a bit then
wrapped it up. I took off Mondays treadmill walk and Tuesday is a rest
day. It feels alot better now so hopefully tomarrows 3 mile run will
go well. So to help me out on the icy roads I got some yak-tracks.
I'll report back after the run to let ya know how they worked.
I ran threw the pain and when I got home I iced it for a bit then
wrapped it up. I took off Mondays treadmill walk and Tuesday is a rest
day. It feels alot better now so hopefully tomarrows 3 mile run will
go well. So to help me out on the icy roads I got some yak-tracks.
I'll report back after the run to let ya know how they worked.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
workout update
Monday treadmill 60 minutes@ 10% walking, Tuesday rest day, Wednesday 3 miles @ 32:44, Thursday 3 miles @ 33:30, Friday 3 miles @ 32:25, Saturday was a rest day and Sunday 3 miles @ 30:49. I thought that this week would be really effortless but it seems to add up quick, I mean I am not exhausted, but it was a good workout. Also every day of running was outside in 25 degrees and lower days man it was cold for the first mile, but after that I warmed up and almost felt a little too warm. The thing that killed me was the cold wind on my neck and face. So Saturday I ran to the store and got a running scarf/neck thing, it’s like a cut of shelve from a tech shirt with a fleece liner. It helped out very well for Sundays run. When I got to cold I covered up my nose and mouth and warmed up really quick. The only problem I ran into was lack of traction on the ice parts of the road or trails so I am going look into that yak-tracks for my shoes.
This Monday is the last of the treadmill walks and then it changes to cross-training. The good thing is that when I signed up for the Cleveland marathon I got a Fitworks 6 week free membership with a one hour class once a week. I have been thinking of joining some were so this will give me chance to see if I like it there. I signed up for their Cinergy class, I think that’s what they called it, basically its one hour of yoga and palliates class. They have a Fitworks really close to my work so I hope it works out well it will make things simpler for me.
On the diet front I was eating about 2100 calories a day. It thought this was correct for my ideal weight lose that I was trying to achieve. Well it wasn’t, I am a member of and use their”my plate” to track my calories and workouts to make sure I am staying on track. I was using the calorie intake for a very active person, when you choice this setting it kind of includes work outs already. So I changed it to normal person trying to lose 2 pounds a week and it gave me about 1450 calories a day. I am almost done with a week of this new intake so well see in a couple more if it’s right on now.
Also started to lessen to a couple of new/old podcasts, Four feet running and Burning 2010. Four feet is pretty cool, she has run a couple of marathons and he is doing the C25k, they talk about running, diet and just normal stuff. Burning 2010 is a new pod cast from Adams burning 20. I didn’t get to lessen to burning 20 and tried to find the old shows with no luck. So I’ll start fresh with his new podcast. Basically he is trying to lose a pound a week and talks about it.
This Monday is the last of the treadmill walks and then it changes to cross-training. The good thing is that when I signed up for the Cleveland marathon I got a Fitworks 6 week free membership with a one hour class once a week. I have been thinking of joining some were so this will give me chance to see if I like it there. I signed up for their Cinergy class, I think that’s what they called it, basically its one hour of yoga and palliates class. They have a Fitworks really close to my work so I hope it works out well it will make things simpler for me.
On the diet front I was eating about 2100 calories a day. It thought this was correct for my ideal weight lose that I was trying to achieve. Well it wasn’t, I am a member of and use their”my plate” to track my calories and workouts to make sure I am staying on track. I was using the calorie intake for a very active person, when you choice this setting it kind of includes work outs already. So I changed it to normal person trying to lose 2 pounds a week and it gave me about 1450 calories a day. I am almost done with a week of this new intake so well see in a couple more if it’s right on now.
Also started to lessen to a couple of new/old podcasts, Four feet running and Burning 2010. Four feet is pretty cool, she has run a couple of marathons and he is doing the C25k, they talk about running, diet and just normal stuff. Burning 2010 is a new pod cast from Adams burning 20. I didn’t get to lessen to burning 20 and tried to find the old shows with no luck. So I’ll start fresh with his new podcast. Basically he is trying to lose a pound a week and talks about it.
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