I have never really been a social person. A lot of people that know me to be a quiet person, if I didn't talk to you I hope you didn't take it personal. Its just that I didn't have much to say. Nor did I want to.

When I started running, I ran to improve my health. When the runs started to get longer I enjoyed it even more because it was more alone time for me. I didn't have to talk to anyone or listen to someones else. The first time I ran with other people was my first 5k race. I didn't even say one word to anyone. It wasn't until a local 5k race I met a old friend from high school. We chatted before the race, catching up on lost time and how we got into running. During the race I think I even made some slight small talk to him, not the usual me. There was something about running that made me want to talk about running. My first marathon training started soon after that race, not having many running friends to talk about running with I decided to start a running blog. Even if nobody read it, it would keep my non running friends happier because I wasn't talking about running to them. Towards the end of my training I had a friend that had a friend that was a runner and she was looking for someone to run with. I reluctantly said yes to meeting up with her for a few training runs. It was crazy, I never talked to a total stranger for more then 2 seconds no-less for a ten mile run. I don't think we stopped talking the whole run. It was many about how we got into running and running itself,, but the point was I was being social. Time passed and she lost interest in running and I was a solo runner again. I thought my only venting about running would be to my two readers on my blog.
Something changed in me the first year of running tho, I now would wave or give a good morning to fellow runners as they passed by when before I gave a shrug of the shoulder and was annoyed when people said hi. I even would start up a conversation at a race to a perfect stranger. Even at mile 11of a half marathon when I felt crappy and worn out I would look over at the runner next to me and ask them how there doing.
Last week I ran another local 5k race with some friends. During the start I saw a running friend in front of me (he's always been faster) I ran up to him and we started talking about what races we have been doing and what are plans for the year are. It was funny, here I was in the middle of running a race at a 7:30 pace and all I wanted to do was talk it up...
Running has changed me in so many ways physically, mentally and socially and I am grateful for every foot step.