WHAT! less then 30 days! but I don't feel like I am even close to being ready for a marathon. I say that every time I head out for a run. It's almost one year ago I ran my first Marathon, and I am going to do it again.

Training has been going really good, on paper. I am putting in the workouts like my program says and I am making improvements in my time and endurance. Its the mental training that is bringing me down lately. Its a battle of "Will Power" and sometimes the old guy on the couch that like to drink beer and eat chips all day is winning this battle. I have not been over 18 miles in a year, my last 20 mile run ended at 18 because I lost that mental battle. Two weeks ago I hit a high in my sunday LSR when I did my 3 hour run and hit the 16 mile mark! I felt really good about that run! Last sunday was a easy two hour run that I was to give it my all and run it like a half- marathon. To say the least I didn't win that fight I made it about 6 miles at a good pace and felt like crap, no motivation to keep running. I started up after my refueling point and only made it 1.6 miles more... that guy on the couch won the battle. (i didn't really go the the couch and drink beer and eat chips)
I thank gosh for my cross training! I now love to swim and totally look forward to it every monday and thursday and now that the weathers warmer I am trying to get outside with my bike.
Then there is barefoot running. Its the one time I am really having fun running. I love my Vibram fivefingers I wear my Trek sports everywhere I can. I have even been wearing them to work lately. Don't get me started on my Bikila LS fivefingers they are the most comfortable thing in the world. I do short runs a couple times a week in them and hopefully someday I will be a full time VFF runner. I am going to try to get out and run some trails next week in my treks.
You'll be ready, quit being so down on yourself!!! I heard you might be joining us for 10 tomorrow at North Chagrin Reservation? If so, there will be 6 of us. It'll be a running par-tay:)