I love the Saucony Peregrine trail shoes. The 4mm drop and super traction up and down hills, how could I not fall in love. After the first 150 miles in them I noticed that I blew out the outer sides of the shoes. I trip back to the best local running shop ever. They swapped out them for a fresh pair. Back on the trails I logged another 100 or so miles I noticed the night before Salt Fork 10 mile trail run that the right one started to blow out. It was way to late to change out shoes so I decided just to run with them. Durning the race my damn left shoe kept coming untied, after getting past by around ten people I started to get a little pissed. Then I lost my left shoe in some deep mud. More on that in my race report, for now I was mad as hell and done with those shoes.

She grabbed my size and it was love. I took a small run down the street to make sure they were a match. I walked out of the store with new shoes and a new pair of socks ready to hit the trails.
Today I headed out on the trails sporting my new NBs.
What can I say, they felt really good! I would say even better then the Sauconys. The only down fall was that they don't have as much grip on the down hills. A bonus is they don't hold the mud! So after running threw tons of mud they don't weigh ten pounds.
So for now they are my new best friend.
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