January 28th: Dirty Snowflakes 4m
February 12th: Dirty Love 10k
March 3rd: Green Jewel 50K
March 24th: Dirty Feet 8K
April 1st: Fools Run 50K
April 28th: Outrun 24 hour run
May 12th: 50's for you Momma 50 mile
July 22nd: Pirate Triathlon (Sprint)
July 28th: Burning River 100 mile
August 4-5: MS Point to Point 150 mile(bike)
I am sure that I am missing some random race that I signed up and forgot about. The main goal is the BR100. Every race before the BR100 is just another training run. Well maybe not the Pirate Tri, that one is to have as much fun as I can with my peeps.
Only ONE tri? What is the matter with you?