Sunday, February 28, 2010

Workout Update

Six more days until my first ½ marathon!

This week was the most I have run in a week yet, topping the week off with a total of 24.05 miles. Every week for now in my training will take me to new pr’s of distance. I really don’t feel that bad either, I discovered a new helpful recovery plan that helps with well… recovery from long runs. listening to my new favorite pod cast two gomers run a marathon they were talking about a web site that has the top 10 mistakes that new marathon runners make. The first one was stretching and ice baths after long runs. I have been lacking on the stretching department a lot lately because I run in the morning and then have to hurry off to drive my son to school then I continue to work. So my plan has been to get up a little earlier then I have some time to stretch after my runs. Also on the days were I run longer than 3 miles I’ll take a 10-15 minute ice bath. On Wednesdays run even thou it was a 3 mile run I decided to give it a try, so when I got home I stretched for 5 minutes then filled up the tub with cold water and all the ice cubes and ice packs that were in the freezer. Now when I mean ice bath I don’t mean full on ice bath, I only soak from my knees down. I don’t think my man hood could take that kind of punishment. It was very hard to soak in the tub from the knees down but I managed to do it for 15 minutes. When I got out my legs were freezing but I think that was the point. The coolest thing was that I felt no dull pain or discomfort in my legs. What ya know it works… So after work I decided to find a large tub that I can use for my ice baths. I found a 28 gallon Tupperware container at target that is just perfect for soaking my legs in. It was kind of funny trying them out in the middle of target to see if I could kneel in them. The looks people give you some times. After Thursdays 6 mile run I tried the ice bath again and it was perfect!!! Legs felt great all day. So I think that ice baths after long runs will be my new routine.

I have been think of buying a hydration belt for my long runs, the corner stores are not always open in the morning when I run to buy water so I thought I would give in to the fanny pack looking belt and try one out. I bought a Nathan speed 4 from dicks to try out. It has four 10oz. bottles, one on each corner and two pockets for gels and snacks or whatever. On Sunday morning I fill all the bottles up and packed my gels in there and went to put it on… well it wouldn’t stay up on my waist. Thinking what a piece of @#$# then I looked at the tag and it said “Large” sometimes I forget that I am 50 lbs. lighter than I used to be, so when I bought it I thought oh ya large will work. So I had to unpack the pack and throw my gels into my coat pocket and grab some cash to stop at the store half way through the run to get some water/power aid. I hate buying water bottles out on the run because then you’re stuck with it until you find a trash can or you get home. Any ways tonight I returned the large belt and exchanged it for a medium one. So ill get to try it out next run.

On Monday was my last spinning class with my free membership, not sure what I am going to do about that yet. I have decided to take off this Mondays cross training to save the legs a little bit. Tuesday was rest, Wednesday I ran 3 miles @11:19 pace, Thursday I ran 6 miles @ 11:22, Friday I tried to run 3 miles it was snowing really really bad and had big snow drifts on the trails I like to run on Fridays. So I ran about 2 miles and ended up walking one @ average pace of 14:18 and Sundays long run of 12 miles! @ 11:16 pace (longest distance so far)

This week’s runs are 3,6,3 miles then the ½ marathon. I am really hoping for some good weather on Sunday for the race. They are calling for the 40’s so I hope it stays that way. I really hope that I can get some pictures and maybe video of the race also, we’ll see.

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