Sunday, November 29, 2009

Workout Update

On Fridays 2 miles run I decided to step it up a bit and run faster since it’s a short run. I ran the 2 miles in 18:33, the first mile in 9:13 second mile in 9:20. Today’s long run was 4.5 miles but I ended up doing 5.25 miles in 1:01, I felt really good so I thought it couldn’t hurt.
I have been thinking of joining a gym or a fitness center to do some cross training lately, maybe some yoga once a week to help with stretching. I noticed that my most of the leg muscle that I use to run with are getting bigger and toner, but the ones that are there for the ride are just kind of there so some light weight training would help to.
I signed up at and downloaded the iphone app to keep track of my calorie intake. It has been a week now and I think that it will help me reach my weight goal. When I started out on this journey in April of 2009 I weighed 235 lbs and 5’8”. The doctors said that it was really important that I get my diet and weight under control to prevent another heart attack. “Yes you read that right another” At 37 years old I had a or several heart attacks, I’ll post more of that story later. Back on track thou today I weigh in at 193.3, I am working to getting to my goal weight of 165 lbs. That’s 42lbs down and 28 more to go. When I was at 200lbs I kind of got to a flat point where I wasn’t loosing anymore weight. I think I was losing fat and replacing it with muscle this lasted for about two months. Then I adjusted my calorie intake and started to lose weight again. So with the livestrong app I input my age, weight, height, physical activities and goal weight loss for each week and it will give you your calorie intake. Then you input what you’re eating and what exercise you have done and it will subtract from your daily allowance. I find this to be very helpful on keeping me honest with me diet. I don’t work for in any way get paid from I just think that it’s a very cool website and program they have, and thought I would let you know about it.
Also there are some good links that you should check out over on my side bar. If you’re like me and run alone out there, then you should check out some of the running podcasts. My favorite is Phedippidations. Kind of like my best running friend now.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Workout Update

The foot pain is 98% gone. Maybe I was lacing up the shoes a little too tight. I think that the next pair of running shoes I'll try on a little wider pair and see how they fit.
This week’s training feels real good, I don’t feel exhausted or drained after the runs. I think that’s because once again I am running less than I am used to. Although I am running a little faster than I was before. I printed off a cool chart from Greg McMillan’s site that gave me times that I should be shooting for in my training based off of recent 5K races. I have been running my daily runs way to slow and my long runs to fast. The chart states that my Steady- State Runs should be ran in 10:04 to 10:21 minute per hour. The Long runs should be ran 11:07 to 12:07. This is all based on running a 4:37:50 Marathon. I really don’t care how fast I finish my first marathon; I just thought I would set some kind of time goal so my workouts have some kind of set time goals that I can work for.
On Monday I walked on the “Dread”mill for 30 minutes @ 10%, Tuesday rest, Wednesday ran 2miles @21:16 and today I ran 3 miles @ 31:03. I am looking forward to running a 4.5 on Sunday. I know that I will be wishing for these easy weeks around week 20-21. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Workout update

When to the doctors friday and had some xrays taken, she said that theres no stress fractures or broken bones. She said it might be Morton's neuroma.
Thats sounds scary right !!! It's not though.

In basic terms, a neuroma is an enlargement or thickening of a nerve in the foot in the area between the toes, usually the third interspace between the third and fourth toes, followed by the second interspace between the second and third toes. Morton's neuromas can rarely affect the fourth and first interspaces. Causes of Morton's Neuroma: Injury or Poor Biomechanics
A Morton's neuroma is thought to be caused by an injury to the nerve, but scientists are still not sure about the exact cause of the injury. The injury may be caused by damage to the metatarsal heads, the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament (holds the metatarsal heads together) or an intermetatarsal bursa (fluid-filled sac). All of these structures can cause compression and injury to the nerve, initially causing swelling and damage in the nerve. Over time, if the compression/injury continues, the nerve repairs itself with very fibrous tissue that leads to enlargement and thickening of the nerve.
Other causes of injury to the nerve may include simply having an incorrect walking style or an awkward foot structure, such as overpronation (foot rolls inward), hypermobility (too much motion), cavo varus (high arch foot) and excessive dorsiflexion (toes bend upward) of the toes.

These biomechanical (how the foot moves) factors may cause injury to the nerve with every step. If the nerve becomes irritated and enlarged, then it takes up more space and gets even more compressed and irritated. It becomes a vicious cycle.

She said that I should look into new running shoes. Thats not fun, seeing that I just bought a new pair of New Balance 850's to replace my last pair. That was recomended by my local running shop. I think that I'll try to loose the laces abit first and see if that helps. If not Maybe then I'll try a differnt pair.

To finish off the week I ran 2.5 miles on friday and then today sunday 3.43 miles. I think I am going to start not counting my warmups and cool downs in the time and milage sence it brings down the average pace time.
Next week I get to run longer on sunday. I am happy about that. I feel that I am cheating myself on shorter runs, But I think that I rather stick to the plan and take it slow and easy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Workout update

Week 5 11/16
Monday was a 45 minute walk on the treadmill at 5%, Tuesday is a rest day, Wensday was a 2 mile run on the treadmill ended up a 2.5 mile at 36.29 with warmup and cool down and today I ran outside,was a 3 mile run with 5 minute warmup and 5 min cool down came in at 43:28 but ended up at 3.5 mile. I guess I'll always have the extra .5 mile because of warmup and cool down. Overall I feel great, Although I feel the mileage is low, I usually run 5-6 miles more a week. I guess I'll just take the easyer runs. I do have some pain in my left foot. Feels like my small toes go numb alittle and there a small sharp pain underish the bottom of my foot. Friday I have a doctors appt to see if its anything.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My training program

I am using Hal Higdons 30 week Marathon training program. Its basically his novice 18 week marathon program with 13 week get started program.
I have been running for about 8 months now. Let me tell you "I AM NOT THE FASTEST RUNNER OUT THERE" and I will never be. I run because I think it's fun. Plus it has great side effects. I started off walking for acouple of weeks then moved to the Couch to 5K program. If you want to start running I would recommend the C25K program, very easy and you can repeat weeks if you don't think you can more on to the next week. After the C25K I continued to run four times a week, Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday I would run from 3-4 miles and Sunday a Long run from 5-8 miles. I have also ran three 5k races.
During the training program I am running a half marathon at the end of week 20. I was told by a few other runners that it will help me see what a marathon pace is like and help build confidence.
Hopefully during my training I am going to blog about what I did that day/week and how I well I am doing. I would also like to throw in some info what brought me here.
Until the next...

The first post

I desided to start blogging about my decision to start running and some life changes that I have made. Here I will talk about my goal to run a marathon and why I would want to in the first place. Also talk about everyday events and the poeple that inspire me. Hopefully I can inspire at least one person to change to a healthy life style.