Sunday, January 3, 2010

workout update

Monday treadmill 60 minutes@ 10% walking, Tuesday rest day, Wednesday 3 miles @ 32:44, Thursday 3 miles @ 33:30, Friday 3 miles @ 32:25, Saturday was a rest day and Sunday 3 miles @ 30:49. I thought that this week would be really effortless but it seems to add up quick, I mean I am not exhausted, but it was a good workout. Also every day of running was outside in 25 degrees and lower days man it was cold for the first mile, but after that I warmed up and almost felt a little too warm. The thing that killed me was the cold wind on my neck and face. So Saturday I ran to the store and got a running scarf/neck thing, it’s like a cut of shelve from a tech shirt with a fleece liner. It helped out very well for Sundays run. When I got to cold I covered up my nose and mouth and warmed up really quick. The only problem I ran into was lack of traction on the ice parts of the road or trails so I am going look into that yak-tracks for my shoes.

This Monday is the last of the treadmill walks and then it changes to cross-training. The good thing is that when I signed up for the Cleveland marathon I got a Fitworks 6 week free membership with a one hour class once a week. I have been thinking of joining some were so this will give me chance to see if I like it there. I signed up for their Cinergy class, I think that’s what they called it, basically its one hour of yoga and palliates class. They have a Fitworks really close to my work so I hope it works out well it will make things simpler for me.

On the diet front I was eating about 2100 calories a day. It thought this was correct for my ideal weight lose that I was trying to achieve. Well it wasn’t, I am a member of and use their”my plate” to track my calories and workouts to make sure I am staying on track. I was using the calorie intake for a very active person, when you choice this setting it kind of includes work outs already. So I changed it to normal person trying to lose 2 pounds a week and it gave me about 1450 calories a day. I am almost done with a week of this new intake so well see in a couple more if it’s right on now.

Also started to lessen to a couple of new/old podcasts, Four feet running and Burning 2010. Four feet is pretty cool, she has run a couple of marathons and he is doing the C25k, they talk about running, diet and just normal stuff. Burning 2010 is a new pod cast from Adams burning 20. I didn’t get to lessen to burning 20 and tried to find the old shows with no luck. So I’ll start fresh with his new podcast. Basically he is trying to lose a pound a week and talks about it.

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